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A high-level architectural civilization

Our perception of the cultural entity that today we call “nuragic civilization” is strongly conditioned by the architectural elaborations that this civilization has been able to produce: the well temples, the tombs of the giants, the “megaron” temples and, above all, the nuraghi.

The Protonuraghi
In specialized literature, three terms are used to designate the same type of monument: 'protonuraghe', 'pseudonuraghe', 'corridor nuraghe'. Despite this, the three terms cannot be considered simply synonyms.
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Arte nuragica
The Nuraghe, symbolic monument
The typical and distinctive architectural element of the Nuragic civilization is the nuraghe. It is a tower structure with an internal chamber (or chambers, in the case of multi-storey monuments) covered with a “false do...
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The sanctuaries
In the Nuragic age, in addition to the numerous nuraghs, other types of stone structures were built, including, for their symbolic importance and architectural quality, those intended for carrying out activities pertaini...
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The necropolises
For most of the chronological parable described by the Nuragic civilization, the only burial places were the “tombs of the giants”, a name given by local popular tradition to these typical Nuragic funerary monuments. The...
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The Nuraghi
The typical and distinctive architectural element of the Nuragic civilization is the nuraghe. It is a tower structure with an internal chamber (or chambers, in the case of multi-storey monuments) covered with a “false do...
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The temples
In the Nuragic age, in addition to the numerous nuraghs, other types of stone structures were built, including, for their symbolic importance and architectural quality, those intended for carrying out activities related...
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The Tombs of Giants
For most of the chronological parable described by the Nuragic civilization, the only burial places were the “tombs of giants”, a name given by popular tradition to Nuragic funerary monuments.
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Dorgali, Complesso nuragico di Serra Orrios
Building structures of the Nuragic civilization
Our perception of the cultural entity that today we call “nuragic civilization” is strongly conditioned by the architectural elaborations that this civilization has been able to produce: the well temples, the tombs of th...
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tegame/ parete

frammento relativo a una forma troncoconica, con profilo marcatamente svasato, orlo arrotondato,fondo piatto. Decorato su entrambe le facce, presenta sulla parete esterna, a bassorilievo, un motivo a corna taurine stilizzate in un lungo gambo sormontato da un ampio elemento curvilineo, mentre l'intera parete è solcata da fasci di linee verticali, dall'orlo al fondo; all'interno si ripete il motivo decorativo a solcature verticali, che raccordano zigzag. Le superfici sono lisciate con molta cura e ingubbiate di colore nero.

Read everything Read everything frammento relativo a una forma troncoconica, con profilo marcatamente svasato, orlo arrotondato,fondo piatto. Decorato su entrambe le facce, presenta sulla parete esterna, a bassorilievo, un motivo a corna taurine stilizzate in un lungo gambo sormontato da un ampio elemento curvilineo, mentre l'intera parete è solcata da fasci di linee verticali, dall'orlo al fondo; all'interno si ripete il motivo decorativo a solcature verticali, che raccordano zigzag. Le superfici sono lisciate con molta cura e ingubbiate di colore nero.


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