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SardegnaCultura is the cultural heritage portal of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
Conceived as a work in progress, it is intended to document the main themes related to Sardinian cultural heritage.
The texts, images and audiovisual materials that constitute the fixed sections are accompanied by others, updated periodically, in order to define as holistically as possible the complex picture of the Sardinian cultural heritage, and to make participation in the cultural life of the island better accessible.
At present, there are many sections that are divided into chronological and thematic itineraries that can be summarized as follows: Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Photography, Cinema, Literature, Sardinian Language, Landscape, Traditions and Festivities.

The project is completed with some sections intended for continuous increases: Places of Culture, Libraries, Archives, Monuments, Archaeological Areas and Museums that include, in whole or in part, management by the regional side.
Each section is enriched by attached documents: together with sheets and texts, as well as the rich set of images and audiovisual materials, the possibility of consulting, in full, the volumes of some of the most important collections on archaeology, art history and literature of Sardinia is expanding.

The SardegnaCultura portal is co-financed with funds from the Framework Program Agreement on the Information Society, related to the SICPAC Project.
The Major Events section is a project carried out with funding from the European Union, through Measure 2.3 “Structures and services for cultural and entertainment activities”, Axis II “Cultural Resources” of the POR Sardinia 2000-2006.

Official logos of the funding bodies:

Loghi ufficiali degli organismi finanziatori: