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Cinema in Sardinia

In 1899, Lumière, through director Francesco Felicetti, shot “Voyage du Roi Humbert Ier en Sardaigne”, five current films that tell the story of the visit of the sovereign and Queen Margaret to the island.

Deleddian cinema

The image of Sardinia made up of feuds, burdocks, bandits, exoticism and folklore has distant and complex origins analyzed, among other things, in works dedicated to the relationship between Grazia Deledda and cinema such as “Sardinian scenarios: Grazia Deledda between cinema and television”, edited by the film critic Gianni Olla and the Rai Sardegna broadcast “Grazia Quasi Cosima” (1987), created by Maria Piera Mossa with the collaboration of Jacopo Onnis.

Le origini del documentario - La Cavalcata sarda, Sassari
The origins of the documentary
The first documentary shot in Sardinia is by the Lumière brothers, inventors of cinematography, who in 1899 sent their operators to the island for a “current film” entitled “Voyage du Roi Humbert Ier en Sardaigne”.
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Il documentario antropologico - Santu Lussurgiu, ballo tradizionale
The anthropological documentary
After the war, documentary cinema that was more attentive to anthropological aspects began to make its way. And the first Sardinian authors appear, such as Enrico Costa and, above all, Fiorenzo Serra, who, with a rich ci...
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The new Sardinian directors
Admired or awarded at festivals, reported by critics, followed with attention by an audience not only on the island, the films of the greatest Sardinian directors are characterized by a wide thematic spectrum, a symbol o...
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