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Postunitary age

Postunitary age

Postunitary age

The Italy of Nations

It was in the conservative climate of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that the journey of modern art began in Sardinia. Within twenty years, Sardinian art began to acquire its specific physiognomy and to make individual artists recognizable who, convinced of the specific identity of the Sardinian people, became aware of the cultural value of their work.

Et? postunitaria
The post-unitary city
In the aftermath of the Unification of Italy, the urban structure of Sardinia revealed its extremely fragile structure for a number of aspects and problems. The large part of the population (80.5%) resided in small munic...
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Et? postunitaria
A new image of Sardinia
It was in the years between the 19th and the 20th century that the idea of the value of art as a tool for the formation of identity made its way into the intellectual class. In harmony with the cultural movement aimed at...
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Et? postunitaria
Ciusa, Biasi and Figari
There are three episodes that artistic literature has indicated, at different times, as the starting point of the history of twentieth-century art in Sardinia. The first is the Exhibition held in Sassari in 1896, in whic...
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Et? postunitaria
The regime's public works
Fascism inherits some of the unresolved problems of the “bourgeois” city: the growing contrast between center and periphery and the prevailing attention to individual architecture with little interest in the context; fro...
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Età post-unitaria

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