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Aragonese age

Aragonese age

Aragonese age

Catalans and Aragonese in Sardinia

The Catalan-Aragonese rule conditioned the socio-political structure but also the cultural characteristics of art in Sardinia, determining the persistence of Gothic-Catalan architecture and late-Gothic Hispanic polyptych up to the late 17th century. The shape - like an altarpiece - is structured in a complex altarpiece, which combines architectural, sculptural and pictorial elements.

Et? aragonese
The Aragonese conquest
In 1297, Pope Boniface VIII established the “Regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae” from scratch, feuding it to the sovereign of Aragon James II. However, the territorial conquest of Sardinia began only in 1323 with the landing o...
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Et? aragonese
The Battle of Sanluri
The long war for domination over Sardinia between the kingdom of Arborea and the Crown of Aragon, started by Mariano IV de Bas-Serra in September 1353 and continued by his heirs, was interspersed with short periods of tr...
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