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The early nineteenth century

The early nineteenth century

The early nineteenth century

On March 3, 1799, the king of Sardinia Carlo Emanuele IV of Savoy landed in Cagliari with a court of family members and collaborators following the flight from Piedmont, invaded by Napoleon Bonaparte's troops.
The presence of the court on the island, which lasted until 1814, on the one hand gives force to political and civil restoration, on the other hand, it gains the Savoy a new consensus.

Consensus that spreads, above all, in the ruling classes, who will then be involved in government activities. The Savoy presence is also both a stimulus for the transformations of taste and culture, and a restraining element represented by the needs of a bended nobility and a large bureaucracy.

With regard to cultural transformations, the figure of Carlo Felice, first regent and then reigning, was of significant importance, whose action led to the organization of public education (including university education) and the expansion of cultural life with the establishment of a museum and the promotion of Fine Arts.

Among the factors that change habits and taste, it is worth noting the revaluation - in the relationship of alterity with the city - of the countryside as an economic resource to be rationally managed. In fact, it is no coincidence that Carlo Felice, during his second viceroyalty, settled in Villa d'Orri, the country home of his friend and advisor Marquis Stefano Manca of Villahermosa, located on the Gulf of Cagliari, about twenty kilometers from the city. This new vision of things takes shape, among other things, in the construction of monumental access portals to properties cultivated and organized in the company.


20/9/2023 - 11:30


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