Despite its difficulties, 16th and 17th century Spanish Sardinia continues to be a land rich in culture and literature. This is demonstrated by the presence of numerous lovers of letters, the arts, and the interest in history and geography.
The names are those of Sigismondo Arquer, Roderigo Hunno Baeza, Montserrat Rossellò, Giovanni Francesco Fara, Giovanni Arca, Proto Arca Sardo, Gian Tommaso Porcell, Francesco Bellit, Antioco Brondo, Antonio Lo Frasso, Pietro Delitala, Angelo Simone Figo, Girolamo Vidini, Pier Michele Giagaraccio, Gavino Sussarello, Gavino Suner, and, highest literary expression, Gerolamo Araolla. Salvatore Vidal, Jorge Aleo, José Delitala Castelvì and José Zatrilla y Vico also stood out. These men of culture have many traits in common, including the use of different languages to write their works. The multilingual character of Sardinian culture remains intact even in these difficult years dominated by Hispanism.
The 17th century opened with a situation on the island that became increasingly difficult to the point of plunging into an unprecedented political crisis in the last decades of the century. In the general framework, the use of Catalan in favor of Castilian fades, which becomes an important vehicle for importing styles, models and habits of Spanish culture to the island. Attempts to promote Sardinian are decreasing, although its use continues to be prevalent in religious writings intended for the popular classes.