The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS), has chosen to adopt social profiles as strategic communication tools complementary to traditional channels, to promote dialogue and interaction with citizens. The external social media policy contains the rules of behavior that users are required to observe when interacting with the pages and institutional social profiles of the RAS. The document can be consulted on the institutional portal
and on the linked social media pages
The Facebook and Instagram pages “Andalas De Cultura of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia” are edited and managed by the Institutional Communication Service of the Directorate-General of the Presidency.
The page is a space for communication and sharing with the community, the media and other institutions, of information concerning the activities of the government and regional administration and that are of public importance.
Contents Posts containing: information on notices, acts and calls, news on events and opportunities, projects and initiatives of the regional administration are published, also through links to the institutional portal, to thematic and special sites, and websites of other institutions. The posts are accompanied by multimedia material (photos, videos, infographics, etc.) which, unless otherwise specified, is to be considered released under the Creative Commons CC BY NC SA license ( The contents disseminated through the page are not exhaustive of the obligations to be published on the institutional portal, to which reference is made for the legal publicity of the acts and for
Only identifiable users, by name and surname, are allowed to participate in conversations. To guarantee freedom of expression and in order to encourage public debate, free contributions are welcome as long as they are respectful, constructive criticism aimed at pointing out problems and disruptions and at suggesting solutions and new initiatives. Each user is directly responsible for their thoughts, which they are required to express correctly and not to the detriment of other users and the regional administration, while respecting the opinions of others
Users have the right to: like the posts; comment on the contents; share the posts;
The presence of profiles with pseudonyms is not allowed. Insults, threats, offensive or scurrilous language, and discriminatory attitudes with respect to gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, personal and political opinions, ethnic origins, and disabilities are not tolerated. The administration removes comments considered unlawful, defamatory and/or slanderous, harmful to the privacy of others, discriminatory. In accordance with Law 150/2000, and with respect for the general public interest, content of an advertising and propaganda nature and, more generally, that uses messages for commercial or political purposes, or in violation of copyright, or in support of illegal activities, will also be removed
The moderation of comments is aimed at containing any behavior contrary to the rules of use. Account administrators have the right to delete without notice comments with criminal relevance, contrary to the law and that do not comply with the rules described in this policy. The Authority reserves the right to block users who violate the aforementioned requirements, and to report alleged crimes to the competent authorities. Account administrators have the right to remove any content that is not considered relevant to the functions and activities of the RAS
Without prejudice to the privacy policies of the individual social platforms, the processing of personal data takes place in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679, transposed in Italy with Legislative Decree no. 101 of 10 August 2018 and, for the parties in force, of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and subsequent amendments. The data controller is the President of the Region, with headquarters in Viale Trento, 69 — 09123 Cagliari. Data controllers are the General Directors of the competent structures for the matter to whom the interested party can contact to request information relating exclusively to personal data