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Goni, Menhir and Megalithic Burials by Pranu Muttedu

Goni, Menhir and Megalithic Burials by Pranu Muttedu

Goni, Menhir and Megalithic Burials by Pranu Muttedu

The archaeological area is located in Pranu Muttedu, an extensive sandstone and schist platform in Gerrei, a region of south-eastern Sardinia. The excavations extend into a lush cork grove.
Pranu Muttedu is one of the most suggestive and important burial areas in prehistoric Sardinia. To the N of the plateau, in the locality of Su Crancu, is the reference capannicola agglomeration of the necropolis.
To the south of it are the tombs of Pranu Muttedu and Nuraxeddu, exceptionally surrounded by large groups of menhirs (in pairs, in alignment or present inside the same tombs) and by round buildings of probable sacral character.
Further S, on the rock of Genna Accas, is the homonymous hypogeic necropolis at Domus de Janas with three grave circles.
Other structures emerge in the surrounding area, and the remains of Bacconi's 'allée converte' are particularly interesting.
The tombs, built with local sandstone, generally consist of two to three concentric rings of stones, sometimes with a stepped wall to support the mound. In the center there is the burial chamber, built in a sub-cyclopic technique, which is accessed through a corridor formed by orthostatic slabs (sometimes menhirs) covered in a flat band.
The inner cells are diversified in shape, circular or elongated, depending on the number of burials they had to house: there is no shortage of monosomal cysts where the deceased was introduced through a quadrangular door and placed huddled up.
The cell covers were tabular or pseudo-vaulted with overhanging shelves.
Tomb II, particularly grandiose, has the entrance, the antechamber and the burial cell excavated in two distinct rock blocks transported to the site and placed on a carefully designed ballast; in the fine processing of the stone, obtained with the hammer, and in the architectural and planimetric design, they faithfully recall the burials at Domus de Janas.
The excavation of Tomb II has returned miniature jars, a spheroid knob, obsidian arrowheads, a flint stiletto and dagger, a clay saucer, a white stone oil and silver necklace elements.
The objects highlight an Ozieri context (final Neolithic, 3200-2800 BC) with delays in the early Chalcolithic (2800-2600 BC).
As far as menhirs are concerned, Pranu Muttedu returns, with its 50 specimens, the largest group in Sardinia. Distributed variously, in pairs, in alignments, in small groups, sometimes on the same tomb architecture, they are made with local sandstone. They are of the 'protoanthropomorphic' type, with an ogival or subogival shape and a flat front surface.

History of excavations
The complex was excavated several times by Enrico Atzeni, starting in 1980.

G. Lilliu, The Sardinian Civilization from the Paleolithic to the Nuraghi Age, Turin, Nuova ERI, 1988; E. Atzeni-D. Cocco, “Note on the megalithic necropolis of Pranu Muttedu-Goni”, in The Culture of Ozieri. Problems and new acquisitions, Ozieri, Il Torchietto, 1989, pp. 201-216.

How to get there
From the SS 131, the junction for Senorbì, at the height of Monastir, in the direction of Oristano-Sassari. Turn right and follow the SS 128. Cross Senorbì and take the SP 23. The archaeological area of Pranu Muteddu can be seen on the s., a few kilometers before the town of Goni.

Structure category: archaeological area or park

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Goni

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: località Pranu Muttedu

Telephone: +39 070 982059




Winter -

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

0830 - 6:00 PM

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

0830 - 8:00 PM

Information on tickets and access: The ticket office closes approximately one hour before closing time. Admission is reduced by 40% for all FAI card holders.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 5 €, grownups, .

  • Reduced : 4 €, groups of more than 20 people, .

  • Reduced : 3 €, Minors up to 8 years old, .

Services information: The guided tour service is included in the ticket price and is also available in the languages: German, English and French.

Other services: There is an equipped area for picnics and a refreshment point in the rest area.


25/10/2023 - 11:30


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