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Villanovaforru, Pinn'e Maiolu Complex

Villanovaforru, Pinn'e Maiolu Complex

Villanovaforru, Pinn'e Maiolu Complex

The archaeological site is located on the slope of a Marnose-Miocene relief of Marmilla, a region of central-southern Sardinia. It is located about 1 km SE of the Genna Maria nuragic complex.
The settlement consists of huts built with dry stone walls, originally covered with wood and branches, similar to those of the Genna Maria complex. They confirm the widespread use of these fertile areas, which are particularly suitable for wheat cultivation.
The village dates back to the 9th-8th century BC, but it shows further phases of attendance during the Phoenician-Punic and Roman ages.
The remaining structures of a megalithic building, presumably a complex nuraghe, and a stretch of rectilinear wall within which huts from the early Iron Age (IX-VIII century BC) were also visible. Additional megalithic structures are associated with ceramic materials dating back to the Late Bronze Age (XII-IX century BC).

History of excavations
The archaeological area was identified in 1982 following excavations carried out for the construction of a private home. The excavations were carried out in 1984-85 by Enrico Atzeni and Ubaldo Badas, in 1994-95 by Carmen Locci.

U. Badas, “Villanovaforru (CA). Pinn' and Maiolu Nuragic Complex (F. 6, mapp. 472, 718)”, in Archaeometallurgy in Sardinia, Cagliari, CUEC, 2004, pp. 249-50;
M.C. Locci, Phoenician-Punic persistences in
the Pinn' and Maiolu nuragic village, Villanovaforru (CA), 2006, in press.

How to get
To Sanluri, leave the SS 131 and turn at the junction with the SP 52 for Villanovaforru. At the next intersection, at the end of the provincial road, turn right up and continue to the center of the town, where the complex is located.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Villanovaforru

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Umberto I, s.n.c.


6/11/2023 - 13:11

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