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Quartucciu, Tomb of Giants Is Concias

Quartucciu, Tomb of Giants Is Concias

Quartucciu, Tomb of Giants Is Concias

The tomb stands at an altitude of 350 m above sea level, on the western slopes of Mount Seven Brothers, in Sarrabus.
The Giant Tomb of Is Concias, called “Sa Domu 'e s'Orku”, has the classic planimetric pattern, with a rectangular body just tapered to the bottom and a large semicircle exedra. In the center of the exedra, consisting of rows of well-worked stones decreasing in size upwards, the trapezoidal-shaped entrance opens; the jambs consist of two blocks - one on each side - surmounted by a rectangular lintel without an exhaust window. The funerary corridor, with a rectangular plan, has at the bottom - leaning against the closing plate - a rectangular counter that occupies the entire width of the room. The masonry is built with rows of protruding stones; the section of the room, angular at the entrance, becomes trunk-ovial in the middle and ogival at the bottom. The floor consists of the paved natural rock surface. In the area in front of the entrance, a granite betil was found at the time of the excavation; this is now, straightened, on the side of the entrance, on the right. In the vicinity of the O wing of the exedra, three wells dug into the rock and delimited by circles of stones of different sizes, superimposed and concentric, have emerged. The tomb dates back to the Middle Bronze Age - Recent Bronze Age.

History of excavations
The monument was excavated in 1962 by Enrico Atzeni. In 1987, a conservative restoration work was carried out.

E. Atzeni, “The dolmen 'Sa Coveccada' by Mores and the tomb of the giants of 'Sa Domu 'e s'orku di Quartucciu”, in Studi Sardi, XX, 1966, pp. 130-151; L. Usai, “The prehistoric testimonies”, in Quartucciu. His cultural heritage
, edited by P. Corona, Oristano, S'Alvure, 1997, pp. 75-98;
E. Contu, “Nuragic Architecture”, in Ichnussa: Sardinia from its origins to the classical age, Milan, Scheiwiller, 1981;
G. Lilliu, The civilization of the Sardis from the Paleolithic to the Nuraghi Age
, Turin, Nuova ERI, 1988.

How to get there
From Cagliari, take the SS 125 to Muravera; at km 20.3, after the bridge over the Longu River at Piscina Nuxedda, turn right following the signs for the tomb. After 100 meters, turn right, continue for another 800 meters, then turn right again into a shabby uphill road: at this point you will find the last sign pointing to the grave. Continue on this road for about 6 km until you reach the tomb, visible on the right.

Content type: Archaeological monument

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Quartucciu

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SS125 - località S'Arcu Mannu


27/10/2023 - 12:34

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