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Pompu, Casa del Bread Museum

Pompu, Casa del Bread Museum

Pompu, Casa del Bread Museum

The “Casa del Bread” museum in Pompu is unique in the panorama of ethnographic museums in Sardinia dedicated to food and gastronomic traditions for its multimedia approach, strongly evocative of the past and present life of the country's community and of the territory in general.
The exhibition itinerary divided along the rooms of the house, in fact, goes through the entire production process (grinding, sifting, baking, conservation) to reach today and relaunch the tradition of making bread into the future.
Thanks to a skilful integration between new technologies, the architectural space and the collection of objects, partly purchased by the Municipality and partly enriched by the donation made by the population of Pompu, and thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the involvement of the Parte Montis Union of Municipalities, the project synthesizes a knowledge experience on the tradition of “bread” that goes from wheat cultivation to baking through a wise combination of overlaps and interactions between the profession traditional of “bread making” and the new means of video-digital communication.
In the house-museum, the first level of the itinerary can be used by visitors in a collective way, and is entrusted to interactive macro-installations that occupy the center of the scene and introduce the general theme to which the room is dedicated. A second level, accessible independently and personally thanks to a special touch screen tablet device, inserted in a farmer's saddlebag, which every visitor receives as a gift at the entrance of the house, is entrusted to the individual objects displayed along the walls or placed on the furniture.
(descriptive text extracted from the website of the Municipality of Pompu)

Why is it important to visit it
Enhance the richness of the territory and the profession of “making bread” through a multimedia and immersive experience that allows the visitor to learn about and love all the phases of the bread tradition. A real 'home', alive and open to the public, which combines the cultural and educational characteristics of the museum with the 'familiar' and personalized characteristics typical of the small community.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Ethnography and anthropology

Usability: Closed

Province: Oristano

Common: Pompu

Macro Territorial Area: Central Sardinia


Address: via Regina Elena, 19

Telephone: +39 0783 990035 +39 0783 999111



Information on tickets and access: The property is temporarily closed for room adjustment and renovation. For information on the future reopening, contact the social and cultural services of the municipality of Pompu.

Access mode: Free


29/5/2024 - 19:35


Multimedia stations Multimedia stations

Guided tours Guided tours

Where is it


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