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“The sunsets of Porto Flavia”

“The sunsets of Porto Flavia”

“The sunsets of Porto Flavia”

he eighth edition of the Tramonti di Porto Flavia kicks off from 28 July.

Three events dedicated to refined music and the enhancement of the Sulcitan territory.

After months of great expectation, from 28 July to 18 August, the eighth edition of the musical festival “The sunsets of Porto Flavia”, the summer premiere of the International Chamber Music Festival (scheduled for autumn in Iglesias), returns.

The event, organized by the Anton Stadler association, under the artistic direction of Fabio Furia, bandoneonist and composer, will take place in the space in front of the entrance to the former Masua Mining Area (As arrive), where those present will be overwhelmed, not only by the most refined music, but also by an enchanting setting overlooking the coastal landscape of Sulcis Iglesiente, in front of the majestic Sugarloaf Mountain, the highest rock in Europe. “A bet started in 2017, when the wonderful mining site of Porto Flavia had not yet become the biggest tourist attraction in our territory as it is today” - says artistic director Fabio Furia - “We are convinced that the quality of the cultural and musical proposal offered by the festival represents an added value, unique in its kind, both for the democratization of culture and for the tourist enhancement of the island. ” — concludes Furia.

The three scheduled concerts will start at 8:30pm in conjunction with sunset.

The curtain on the festival will rise on Sunday, July 28 with the cello duo, formed by father and son Claude Hauri and Milo Ferrazzini-Hauri who will present the concert “Papillon”. It will be an emotional growth where the technical and musical skills of the two virtuosi will stand out.

Sunday, August 4, however, will be the Aïghetta Quartett, a classical guitar quartet that has dominated the international music scene for over thirty years, composed of Francois Szonyi, Alexandre Del Fa, Philippe Loli and Oliver Fautrat for a concert entitled “Echoes”. The program will range from classical, to signature jazz to world music.

The curtain on the Tramonti di Porto Flavia will fall on Sunday, August 18 with the Effetto Ensemble formed by Dora Rodrigues (soprano) and Rui Gama (guitar) who will hold the final concert entitled “Caprichos”. It will be a journey through the Portuguese and Hispanic-influenced repertoire, with the ambition to provide their performances with a modern and daring vision of classical music, through shows that explore other artistic expressions.

Reservations are required for all events on the Home website - Associazione Anton Stadler


The cost of a ticket for a single event is 15.00 euros (+ pre-sale).

Reduced rate to 7.00 euros (+ pre-sale), for children under 12 and disabled.

It is also possible to subscribe to the three scheduled events, at a cost of 40 euros (+ pre-sale).

In case of bad weather, the shows will be held at the Electra Theater in Iglesias.

Guided tours

Before each concert, it will be possible to participate in a guided tour of the Porto Flavia mining site.

For info, costs and reservations: 0781-274507- (+39) 3483178065

S shuttle service

Please note that for all concerts there is a shuttle service available from Iglesias (Immaculate Heart stop, in front of public gardens) to Porto Flavia at a cost of 8.00 euros per person.

For info and reservations:

I Tramonti di Porto Flavia is created with the contribution of: Sardinia Region - Department of Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport, City of Iglesias, Foundation of Sardinia, Consortium for the Historical and Environmental Geominerary Park of Sardinia and thanks to the collaboration of Iglesias Servizi, Iglesias Turismo and Cantine Aru.






Show card:

From 28 July to 18 August, the eighth edition of the musical festival “The sunsets of Porto Flavia” kicks off. Three events dedicated to refined music and the enhancement of the Sulcitan territory. The event is organized by the Anton Stadler association, under the artistic direction of Fabio Furia. The three scheduled concerts will start at 8:30pm in conjunction with sunset.


30/7/2024 - 11:56

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