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Tertenia, Albino Manca Museum

Tertenia, Albino Manca Museum

Tertenia, Albino Manca Museum

The museum, dedicated to the artistic story of Albino Manca, houses his donation of bronzes, marbles, chalk, medals, paintings, silver and waxes. Manca was born in Tertenia in 1898 and grew up there, revealing early artistic aptitudes. Volunteer in the Great War, he completed his artistic training in 1926 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. In the capital, he was able to enjoy the patronage of the Leopardi counts, visiting social environments and deeply absorbing that classic taste that constitutes the most evident figure of his art. In those years, he created numerous personality portraits (of the Duchess of Puglia in her wedding dress, of Mussolini and of various ambassadors and noblewomen) and bronzes of various subjects (including the “Sleeping Maiden”, which had great critical success in 1935 at the Roman Quadrennial). An elegant and sensitive sculptor, Manca did not fail to express himself with the magniloquence typical of the culture of the time, as evidenced by the four colossal bronze statues created for the Carabinieri Legion in Cagliari. In 1938, he left Rome and emigrated to New York, settling in Greenwich Village, the artists' neighborhood. A tenacious character, he overcame the difficulties of his early years, finally having the opportunity to show his talent. He was called to work by public and private bodies in monumental and miniaturistic sculpture, in the chisel, in the overhang, in jewelry (which revealed Liberty influences and Japanese art), in medals and in portraiture. He obtained the highest recognition by winning the race for the East Coast War Memorial, with the gigantic bronze eagle of Battery Park, at the tip of Manhattan. The monument was inaugurated by President Kennedy in 1963. A small bronze model of the same eagle, a gift from the artist, adorns the square of Tertenia. In 1965, on the occasion of Paul VI's historic visit to New York, it was still the Manca who minted the commemorative gold medal. Also in New York, in 1969, the artist created the large bronze gate of the Children's Zoo, which draws, in the harmonious forms of the fairytale, the three kingdoms of nature: the land, the sea and the air. Albino Manca died in New York in 1976, his body is resting in Tertenia.

Why it is important to visit it
It is an opportunity to discover a talented artist, with an interesting personal history, who has successfully worked, beyond the limits of the island, in Italy and in America, using different languages and artistic techniques.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Arts

Usability: Open

Province: Nuoro

Common: Tertenia

Macro Territorial Area: Central Sardinia


Address: via Andrea Doria, 12

Telephone: +39 0782 539002 +39 0782 225988




July - August

Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - Sunday

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

September - August

Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - Sunday

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Information on tickets and access: The hours may vary, it is advisable to contact the property in advance to plan the visit. In the months of October, November and December, the museum is open by reservation.

Access mode: For a fee

Services information: Multilingual audio guides, guided tours by appointment.

Other services: Route for the blind and visually impaired with tactile maps.


30/5/2024 - 11:01


Audiooguide Audiooguide

Guided tours Guided tours

Facilitated physical accessibility for visitors with specific needs Facilitated physical accessibility for visitors with specific needs

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