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“Methodological and in-depth workshop on the experience of cultural investigations in autonomous regions and provinces”

“Methodological and in-depth workshop on the experience of cultural investigations in autonomous regions and provinces”

“Methodological and in-depth workshop on the experience of cultural investigations in autonomous regions and provinces”

First “Methodological and in-depth workshop on the experience of cultural investigations in autonomous regions and provinces” scheduled in Cagliari, in the conference room of Sa Manitura, Friday, September 27, starting at 9.30 am.

The event, organized by the Region of Sardinia with Sardegna Ricerche - through activities carried out in close collaboration between the Regional and Electoral Statistics Service of the Presidency and the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage, is part of the activities of the “Memorandum of Understanding for the development of the integrated information system on cultural institutions and places” between ISTAT, the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Ministry of Culture.

The Workshop is promoted by the Interregional Statistical Coordination (CSI), which brings together the statistical offices of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, and involves the participation of ISTAT and the Ministry of Culture.

The event includes an in-depth analysis of the “shared” path for carrying out statistical surveys on culture and the evolution of the methods of using information, a focus on the enhancement of the information heritage of the surveys, with regional reports on local and national good practices, and a laboratory space for reflection and comparison thanks to the intervention of external experts.

How to register

You can register for the event online or in person by filling out the form available at the following address:

Link for participation after registration: GZKFCapsmh8s.1






20/9/2024 - 14:32

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