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New layout of the Naturalistic Museum of the Territory “G. Pusceddu”

New layout of the Naturalistic Museum of the Territory “G. Pusceddu”

New layout of the Naturalistic Museum of the Territory “G. Pusceddu”

Friday, November 8, at 17:00, in the museum's Conference Room, the new layout of the “G. Pusceddu” Naturalistic Territory Museum, funded under the framework agreement between the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Union of Municipalities of Marmilla, will be presented to the public: Territorial Development Project (PST) “Tourism and Life in Marmilla”.

The exhibition, by the company BBS - Common Sense Technology (trustee of the tender) and in synergy with the Sa Corona Arrùbia Consortium, was designed and built with the aim of improving the Museum's visiting experience through the provision of the most recent multimedia and immersive technologies, designed to implement an innovative and diversified strategy of involving the visitor and greater and autonomous accessibility to the contents, also thanks to the use of interactive and multilingual story modes.
They range from a new coordinated image and a renewal of the museum graphics and the surrounding Park, to the introduction of an Application that accompanies the visitor to discover the permanent collections. And then multimedia tables that tell the story of Marmilla and its municipalities, totems with which to interact in a playful way, videomapping, hologrammatic projections, state-of-the-art visors for virtual reality, strengthening the audio-video system and lighting technology


The event will also offer the opportunity to explain to everyone present “the 2024-2025 museum proposal” and will be preceded, at 3:30pm, by a guided tour inside the Geobotanic Park, where it will be possible to follow pleasant paths, immersed in suggestive and uncontaminated nature.

For Francesco Sanna, president of the Sa Corona Arrùbia Consortium: “In recent years, the Consortium has worked assiduously so that the Museum of the Territory could emancipate itself from the widespread perception of a Museum for only major temporary exhibitions, which in any case will return in the near future, wanting to restore strength and strength to the founding mission: to make Marmilla known for its naturalistic, archaeological and historical specificities with a scientific, informative and service approach. In a tourist market that requires experiences and contact with the daily life of the destinations visited, the museum, digitized with new content, and the park area integrated with the offer will be able to instill wonder in the visitor and therefore a desire for discovery, for the benefit of the entire territory in which they can orient themselves, thanks also to the support offered today by the portal, another central investment in the Consortium's strategy, to affirm Marmilla as a tourist destination for inland areas, capable of coordinating with broader strategies for the tourism economy on a regional and national scale”.

Naturalistic Museum of the Territory “G. Pusceddu” (on Google Maps) >>






Structure contacts:

“Giovanni Pusceddu” Naturalistic Museum - Sa Corona Arrùbia
Tel. +39 070 9341009


4/11/2024 - 09:46

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