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Sant'Antioco, Ethnographic Museum “Su magasinu 'e su binu”

Sant'Antioco, Ethnographic Museum “Su magasinu 'e su binu”

Sant'Antioco, Ethnographic Museum “Su magasinu 'e su binu”

The Ethnographic Museum is located in the center of the town, along the route that connects the Basilica of Sant'Antioco to the Archaeological Museum and the Tophet area.
The objects that testify to the uses and customs of the island are on display, especially in relation to the processing of dwarf palm and bissus, and to the methods of natural coloring of the fabrics.
The processing of bissus is an important peculiarity. It is a filament produced from the nacchera, scientifically called “Pinna nobilis”, from which a precious yarn used for gloves, scarves and other fine clothing is obtained. The difficult techniques of processing bissus and the necessary equipment are documented, which were also exhibited at a temporary exhibition organized by the Basel nature museum.
The museum collects the tools for baking (in particular, the votive bread offered to the Patron Saint Saint Antioco is illustrated), for the processing of cheese, for the cultivation of vines and for winemaking, for working in the fields (wooden plow and different types of tools for tilling the land), for the activities of the carpenter, the master butcher and the farrier. There are also different types of Sardinian carts in the courtyard: oxcart, donkey cart and horse.

Why is it important to visit it
To get a picture of the original works and activities that took place on the island, in particular to read up on bissus. A woman who knows the techniques and secrets of biscus processing still works in Sant'Antioco.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Ethnography and anthropology

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Sant'Antioco

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Necropoli, 24d

Telephone: +39 0781 800596 +39 389 0505107 +39 389 7962114



Special openings: In the summer months there are night openings from 9.00pm to 12.00am.

Information on tickets and access: On the operator's official website, there are other combinations of cumulative tickets, which can be found on the following dedicated web page: The museum closes December 25 and 26, January 01 and Easter.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 3 €, grownups, .

  • Cumulative integer : 10 €, grownups, Ethnographic Museum, Hypogeum Village and Savoy Fort, Necropolis and Acropolis .

  • Reduced cumulative : 7 €, Age group from 8 to 30 years, .

  • Reduced cumulative : 6 €, Tour operators who buy 100 tickets in advance to visit the ethnographic area, Ethnographic area .

  • Reduced cumulative : 7 €, groups of more than 20 people, Ethnographic Museum, Hypogeum Village, Savoy Fort, Necropolis and Acropolis .

Other services: Educational workshops, thematic visits, experiential itineraries.


29/5/2024 - 20:59


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