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Calasetta, Digital Archive and Ràixe museum installation for Tabarchina culture

Calasetta, Digital Archive and Ràixe museum installation for Tabarchina culture

Calasetta, Digital Archive and Ràixe museum installation for Tabarchina culture

Ràixe is a multimedia museum where the history and traditions of Tabarcan culture are told through community testimonies collected in video interviews, archival material and family photos.
Ràixe was created to tell the story of the five Tabarchine communities, and the story of the journey that the tabarchini made since 1538, starting from Genova Pegli to Tabarka (in Tunisia) and the subsequent foundations of Carloforte (1738), and Nueva Tabarca (1758), to arrive on the Island of Sant'Antioco and found Calasetta in 1770.
The museum's exhibition itinerary is spread over the two floors of the structure, along which 20 exhibition panels, with the aid of tablets with a QRCODE reading code, allow you to read or listen, in five languages, to the story of the tabarchini's journey.
Also inside the RAIXE archive, it is possible to take a virtual journey through the coastal towers of Calasetta, Carloforte and Sant'Antioco.
The museum itinerary ends with the viewing of a documentary video: “The Journey of the Tabarchini”, which tells the story of this people.

Why it's important to visit it
The museum involves visitors in the Tabarchino socio-cultural context, providing information and tools that facilitate comparison, the exchange of memories, the sharing of ancient knowledge and skills.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Ethnography and anthropology

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Calasetta

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Umberto I, 61

Telephone: +39 0781 840717 +39 347 3626183 +39 328 6514613




Information on tickets and access: For always updated information on schedules, consult the operator's website. The ticket can be purchased directly at the entrance of the museum. During the annual “Open Monuments” festival, admission is free.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 3 €, grownups, .

  • Cumulative integer : 5 €, grownups, for a visit to the Ràixe Museum and MACC Museum .

  • Reduced : 2 €, groups of more than 10 people, .


22/4/2024 - 00:30


Teaching room Teaching room

Multimedia stations Multimedia stations

Guided tours Guided tours

Where is it


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