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Jewelry skillfully crafted with fine gold and silver filigree, red coral, precious and semi-precious stones constitute the essential equipment of traditional festive clothing. Richly decorated and embellished buttons, present in numerous women's and men's clothing: in the collars and cuffs of shirts, in jackets or along the sleeves. Silver or gold wire earrings, often with cameos depicting zoomorphic figures, worn by women since childhood. The necklaces, perhaps the most important jewel in the entire kit. Gold and silver chains of all lengths, to which a pendant can be attached, often worn together at the same time.

Silver chains with terminal clips, chiseled and decorated with zoomorphic or apotropaic figures, used for garments such as coats, headgear or aprons. The amulets shaped with precious metals and stones together with organic and inorganic materials endowed with therapeutic powers, which recall religious traditions and ancient magical practices in harmony with nature and the universe.

Sardinian jewels
Jewels constitute an essential part of popular clothing; their presence connotes festive and ceremonial clothing and their absence connotes daily clothing. As with clothing, for goldsmithery, we are faced with a great va...
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Bottoni d'argento in filigrana a giorno a sfera schiacciata
In traditional Sardinian clothing, the button had different functions: in pairs it closed the neck of the shirt; sometimes it was used to close the cuffs of the shirt, while, passed through buttonholes, it closed the sle...
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 Orecchini in argento a cerchio con metà inferiore avvolta da filigrana
The fact that in Sardinia the earring was once a widely distributed jewel is amply documented not only by the collections of ex-vots but also by archival documents starting from the seventeenth century. The type is very...
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Collana a vaghi cilindrici in corallo con capsule in filigrana d'argento a giorno
In Sardinia, the necklace is among the most important precious items in the entire jewelry collection associated with festive women's clothing. The most common type is the one with holes strung on a cord. Particularly co...
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 Catena in argento in due parti
A silver chain, known by the term “hook”, consisting of two extreme elements and a chain connecting to one or two segments had the task of closing some garments of both men's and women's clothing. The jewel is widespread...
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 Spilla in argento dorato a motivo fitomorfo
The brooch is an accessory of women's festive clothing present in most of the island, despite its diversity of shape, processing techniques and methods of use; for the most part, this jewel appears to be made of gold, bu...
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Amuleto in argento e vetro globulare scanalato blu
The charms of Sardinia refer to religious traditions and to widespread medical, agrarian, mineralogical and naturalistic knowledge and still an important part of the complex of popular knowledge on the island. The analys...
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Gioielli abilmente lavorati con finissima filigrana d’oro e d’argento, corallo rosso, pietre preziose e semi preziose costituiscono il corredo essenziale dell’abbigliamento festivo tradizionale. Bottoni riccamente decorati e impreziositi, presenti numerosi nell’abbigliamento femminile e maschile: nei colletti e nei polsini delle camicie, nei giubbetti o lungo le maniche. Orecchini in filo d'argento o d'oro, spesso con cammei raffiguranti figure zoomorfe, indossati dalle donne fin dall’infanzia. Le collane, forse il gioiello più importante dell'intero corredo. Catene d’oro e d’argento di tutte le lunghezze, a cui può essere agganciato un pendente, spesso portate insieme contemporaneamente. Catene d'argento con fermagli terminali, cesellate e decorate con figure zoomorfe o apotropaiche, adoperate per indumenti quali cappotti, copricapo o grembiuli. Gli amuleti plasmati con metalli preziosi e pietre insieme a materiali organici e inorganici dotati di poteri terapeutici, che rievocano tradizioni religiose e antiche pratiche magiche in sintonia con la natura e l’universo.

Read everything Read everything Gioielli abilmente lavorati con finissima filigrana d’oro e d’argento, corallo rosso, pietre preziose e semi preziose costituiscono il corredo essenziale dell’abbigliamento festivo tradizionale. Bottoni riccamente decorati e impreziositi, presenti numerosi nell’abbigliamento femminile e maschile: nei colletti e nei polsini delle camicie, nei giubbetti o lungo le maniche. Orecchini in filo d'argento o d'oro, spesso con cammei raffiguranti figure zoomorfe, indossati dalle donne fin dall’infanzia. Le collane, forse il gioiello più importante dell'intero corredo. Catene d’oro e d’argento di tutte le lunghezze, a cui può essere agganciato un pendente, spesso portate insieme contemporaneamente. Catene d'argento con fermagli terminali, cesellate e decorate con figure zoomorfe o apotropaiche, adoperate per indumenti quali cappotti, copricapo o grembiuli. Gli amuleti plasmati con metalli preziosi e pietre insieme a materiali organici e inorganici dotati di poteri terapeutici, che rievocano tradizioni religiose e antiche pratiche magiche in sintonia con la natura e l’universo.


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