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Chronological phases

Chronological phases

Chronological phases

A rich and multifaceted construction story

A chronological distinction characterizes the judicial churches. It is possible to identify an initial Romanesque period, which can be placed between 1050 and 1150 and characterized by the presence of workers who come from Pisa, accompanied by those from Lucca (as in the church of San Giovanni di Viddalba) and by the Catalan and Provençal ones who arrived following the monks of the abbey of San Vittore in Marseille (San Saturnino in Cagliari, Sant'Efisio di Nora near Pula).

Età giudicale
The early Romanesque
The judges are the local representatives of the Byzantine emperor, who emancipated themselves in the tenth century and created the four independent kingdoms. To legitimate their power, they need, on the one hand, to reaf...
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The Condaghi
The Byzantine term “condaghe” defines the act by which a donation was constituted in favor of an ecclesiastical body. In practice, it has come to designate the code in which the complex of parchment documents relating to...
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Fasi cronologiche
The mature Romanesque
After the middle of the 12th century, after the experimental period of its beginnings, Sardinian Romanesque architecture entered its mature phase, marked by the close connection with Pisa. The latter seems to be exclusiv...
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Fasi cronologiche
Late Romanesque
In 1258, the Pisans who settled on the Cagliari hill of Castello devastated the judicial capital of Santa Igia (on the banks of today's Santa Gilla lagoon) and put an end to the Giudicato of Cagliari. The following year,...
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Santa Maria di Bonarcado
The name “Condaghe di Santa Maria di Bonarcado” refers to manuscript 277 kept in the Cagliari University Library. This is a collection of documents, framed chronologically from the beginning of the 12th to the middle of...
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Fasi cronologiche

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