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Orotelli Carnival

Orotelli Carnival

Orotelli Carnival

The protagonists of the Orotelli Carnival are the Thurpos, who stage different situations related to the peasant tradition. About Thurpu Voinarzu (the farmer) who must rule the stubborn Thurpos Boes (the oxen); the Thurpos who sow bran along the way; Su Thurpu Vrailarzu (the blacksmith) who shoots Su Thurpu Boe and Su Thurpu who lights the fire with a flint, a flint and an ox croissant full of dried ferula marrow (corru bait). During the parade, Sos Thurpos suddenly pounce on the public, thus making them part of the game. Mimicking the behavior of oxen, they catch (knowingly) some unmasked acquaintance and force him to offer them a drink.
On Carnival Tuesday the roles are reversed, the Thurpos will offer the spectators a drink. The performance ends in the town square, where everyone takes part in su ballu de Sos Thurpos.
Sos Thurpos, which means blind, crippled, is one of the most important masks in the peasant tradition. He shows up bare-faced, dressed in a velvet suit, leather leggings (sos cambales), a long sheepskin (on gabbanu) made of black orbace, once used by the shepherd during the winter season. He carries a bandolier of cowbells over his shoulder, his face is covered with soot and is hidden by a large cap that goes down to his nose. Cork and cowbells are used to ward off evil spirits.

The masks
Sos Thurpos: with his face covered in soot, he wears with a velvet dress, leather leggings, a long sheepskin of orbace, a bandolier of cowbells on his back, a large hood that goes down to his nose.

Like other Sardinian carnivals with an agro-pastoral background, the Orotelli carnival also re-proposes in a grotesque key the reversal of the human-animal relationship and the struggle of man against nature, with a ritual of propitiating rain and the fertility of the earth. However, carnival is traditionally read as a representation of the landowner-laborer relationship. The opportunity exceptionally allowed Orotelli's labourers to mimic the authority of their bosses, without having to suffer the consequences. The richest people in the country were also captured and forced to offer drinks. From the reversal of roles, a temporary revenge for the weakest.


6/2/2024 - 08:31


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