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Villasalto, Archaeological-Industrial Museum of Mining “Su Suergiu”

Villasalto, Archaeological-Industrial Museum of Mining “Su Suergiu”

Villasalto, Archaeological-Industrial Museum of Mining “Su Suergiu”

The mining village of “Su Suergiu”, where mining began in 1858, is composed of several buildings dominated by the management building which, built in the early twentieth century, in perfect Liberty style], now houses the museum.
Through the exhibition of the materials and equipment most representative of the mining activity, visitors are offered a faithful reconstruction of the complex production process in its multiple, closely interdependent phases.
During the visit, ample space is given to the evolution of the methods and techniques of mineral extraction and processing, but also to the human story of the men, women and children who were employed in the mines.
The building houses an exhibition section, divided by areas, which includes examples of rocks and minerals that constitute the subsoil of the territory and all the miner's work tools, starting from his personal equipment, to the tunnel machines. On the other hand, there are very few examples of the very delicate instruments that were used in the important chemical laboratory.
On the first floor there is the director's house, consisting of large rooms and especially a terrace, from which it is possible to see the peaks of Gennargentu, the impressive forests and the very thick stretches of Mediterranean scrub that characterize the Sarrabus-Gerrei landscape.
The Museum is very special in its kind, because it proposes the reconstruction of the phases of the mining activity of Su Suergiu, an area that, from a mining point of view, has been known since the Phoenician-Punic era.

Why it is important to visit it
The guided tour allows you to learn more about an important chapter in the economic history of the territory. The exploitation of mineral resources, in fact, has been of great importance because it is characterized by the strong opposition to the traditional rural and pastoral use of the territory.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Science and/or technology

Usability: Open

Information on tickets and access: The schedules, given their variability, are cyclically updated on the operator's dedicated web page. There is currently no updated information on tickets available, it is recommended to contact the property for information about this.

Access mode: For a fee

Services information: The cost of the guided tour is 2.00 euros, it is advisable to contact the structure by telephone at +39 392 2004467 to check for any changes in the price.


30/5/2024 - 11:31


Guided tours Guided tours

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