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Tissi, Church of Santa Vittoria

Tissi, Church of Santa Vittoria

Tissi, Church of Santa Vittoria

The territory of Tissi, crossed by numerous watercourses, including the Riu Mannu, is rich in archaeological documentation starting from prehistoric times. The cult of Saint Victoria and Saint Anastasia dates back to Byzantine times.
The first mention of the title of 'Saint Vitoria de Tissi' is found in the 'Condaghe di San Michele di Salvenero' (12th-13th century). The factory dates back to the second half of the 12th century.
The Romanesque church, in limestone ashlars with volcanic stone inserts, had a single-bay room, with a wooden roof and a semicircular apse. The current appearance is the result of a 17th century reconstruction that led to the replacement of the wooden roof with masonry, barrel vaults, modified the plan of the apse (from semicircular to quadrangular) and created a series of side chapels.
Of the Romanesque structures, the N/O side and the façade remain, marked horizontally by a thin frame with nine arches set on peducci. Each of these has a different decoration: ram's head, human head, various phytomorphic motifs. At the center of the façade, the arched portal with a raised drain arch, alternating with ashlars in light limestone and dark vulcanite, opens. At the height of the sloping slopes, the 17th century sailing bell tower rises.

History of studies
Historiography is based on the entry 'Tissi' edited by Vittorio Angius for the Casalis' Dictionary '(1850). In the following century, Ginevra Zanetti's contributions on the Vallombrosani in Sardinia (1968) and the files by Renata Serra (1989) and Roberto Coroneo (1993) in their respective volumes on Romanesque architecture in Sardinia stand out.

V. Angius, “Tissi”, in G. Casalis, Historical, Statistical and Commercial Geographical Dictionary of the States by H.M. the King of Sardinia, XX, Turin, G. Maspero, 1850, p. 983;
R. Serra, Sardinia, series “Romanesque Italy”, Milan, Jaca Book, 1989, pp. 397-399; R. Coroneo, Romanesque Architecture from the Middle
of the Thousand to the Early '300.
Nuoro, Ilisso, 1993, sheet 90;
R. Coroneo, Romanesque Churches of Sardinia. Tourist-cultural itineraries, Cagliari, AV, 2005, p. 28.

Content type: Religious architecture

Province: Sassari

Common: Tissi

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: via Roma, s.n.c.


5/10/2023 - 10:04

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