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Quartu Sant'Elena, Villa di Sant'Andrea

Quartu Sant'Elena, Villa di Sant'Andrea

Quartu Sant'Elena, Villa di Sant'Andrea

The villa overlooks the Gulf of Quartu, the E inlet of the Gulf of Angels, at the S end of Sardinia.
The building complex in Sant'Andrea is a “maritime villa”. The term “villa” refers to a house located outside the city walls, while the term “maritime” refers to the location of the building in the immediate vicinity of the sea.
The structures of the villa are partially compromised, both because of the sea that has partly submerged them, and because modern structures have been built on the Roman villa. However, a central body composed of small rectangular or quadrangular rooms is still legible. Floor tears in cocciopesto have also been found still in place.
The construction technique, homogeneously used for the entire building, is that of the sack work with external wall in “opus vittatum mixtum”. The foundations are made of medium and small pebbles tied together with lime.
Due to the dating of the structure, a chronological arc between the second and fourth centuries AD seems conceivable.

History of the excavations
The villa has not been the subject of archaeological excavation.

D. Salvi, “Roman ruins in Sant'Andrea (CA)”, in Mondo Archeologico: monthly on archeology, palethnology, speleology, mineralogy, art, 1978; C. Cossu-G. Nieddu, Thermal baths and suburban villas of Roman Sardinia, Oristano, S'Alvure, 1998.

Content type: Archaeological monument

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Quartu Sant'Elena

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Bellaria, 14


27/10/2023 - 12:23

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