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Iglesias, Salvaterra Castle

Iglesias, Salvaterra Castle

Iglesias, Salvaterra Castle

Iglesias lies at the foot of Mount Marganai and is known for the mining activity that has characterized it in past centuries. The story of Iglesias is very troubled. From the urban foundation in the 13th century, by the Pisans, with the name of “Villa Ecclesiae” to the capture of Aragon in the 14th century, it has undergone a series of alternating events, culminating in the annexation to the patrimony of the Crown of Aragon at the end of the 15th century. Historical events have also affected the type of its fortifications, often rebuilt by the current winner. The castle of Salvaterra dominates the N/E part of the town from the top of the homonymous hill.
The castle of Salvaterra was very important for Villa di Chiesa, today Iglesias. Called the castle of San Guantino under the domination of the Republic of Pisa, it was later rebuilt and called the castle of Salvaterra, after the hill on which it stands. Precisely this position, on the Salvaterra hill, alone guaranteed great defensive and offensive power, so that the fortification could be defended even by a small handful of soldiers.
A drawing from 1358 shows a castle consisting of a quadrangular plan, two angular towers that enclose a sort of turreted entrance as well. Today there are only ruins of the ancient fortification: part of the N side and the E side are saved, while those S and O are covered with vegetation. Nineteenth-century buildings have further compromised what was left of the castle, of which there are also traces of plastered walls and some windows and doors that are difficult to date.

History of studies
On the city of Iglesias and the castle, we highlight the article by Foiso Fois entitled “The medieval city and the castle of Salvaterra di Iglesias”, first published in 1963, followed by the intervention in the Cagliari Almanac in 1979, entitled “A treasure chest of history. The castle of Salvaterra di Iglesias”. Alfredo Ingegno's book dates back to 1987, which gives a timely account of the restorations to the city's historic monuments. The fundamental works edited by Marco Tangheroni are historic: “The City of Silver” and “Studies on Medieval Iglesias”.

Bibliography by
F. Fois, “The medieval city and the castle of Salvaterra di Iglesias”, in Historical and Legal Studies in Honor of Antonio Era, Padua, 1963, pp. 170-178; F. Fois, “A treasure chest of history. The castle of Salvaterra di Iglesias”, in Almanacco di Cagliari, 1979, without pages;
A.M. Oliva-O. Schena, “The second arborense capture of Villa di Chiesa in 1391", in Middle Ages essays and reviews, 9, 1984, pp. 119-134;
M.M. Costa, “Officers of Peter the Ceremonious at Villa di Chiesa”, in Studies on Medieval Churches, Pisa, 1985, pp. 193-214; M. Tangheroni, The City of Silver.
Iglesias from the origins to the end of the Middle Ages, Naples, Liguori, 1985;
A. Ingegno, Iglesias. A century of protection of architectural heritage
, Oristano, S'Alvure, 1987;
F. Fois, Castles of medieval Sardinia, edited by B. Fois, Cinisello Balsamo, Amilcare Pizzi, 1992, pp. 63-70.

Content type: Fortified architecture

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Iglesias

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Eleonora d'Arborea, s.n.c.


17/11/2023 - 09:11

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