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Carloforte, Torre di San Vittorio Multimedia Museum

Carloforte, Torre di San Vittorio Multimedia Museum

Carloforte, Torre di San Vittorio Multimedia Museum

Created in collaboration with the Museum of the Sea and Migration in Genoa, it is an ultra-technological exhibition that, through touch screen and 3D simulations, offers an overview of the history of the island of San Pietro, from geological origins to the settlement of 1738.
Developed on the three floors of the recently restored 18th century Torre San Vittorio, it was inaugurated in 2016. Each level tells a different phase of Carloforte: the ground floor the geological events that led to the formation of the island; the second floor the prehistoric and historical events, from the Nuragic to the Roman era; the third floor the succession of historical events closest to us, until the arrival of the tabarchini in 1738. The route, which lasts about 45 minutes, ends on the top floor of the Tower, at the excellent 360° panoramic observation point. (texts from the museum's website)

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: History

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Carloforte

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: viale Osservatorio Astronomico, s.n.c.

Telephone: +39 0781 8589200 +39 0781 8589260



Information on tickets and access: For updated information on opening hours and ticket prices, consult the website.

Access mode: For a fee

Services information: Touch screen video stations and 3D simulations of an overview of the history of the island of San Pietro, from geological origins to the settlement of 1738. Guided tours take place in shifts, every hour.

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16/10/2023 - 08:57


Multimedia stations Multimedia stations

Guided tours Guided tours

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