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Recent Neolithic

Recent Neolithic

Recent Neolithic

In the recent Neolithic period (3400-3200 BC), archaeological data become increasingly complex and articulated, so scholars use the distinctive criterion of grouping in facies the sets of finds linked to each other by certain affinities, even without achieving the consistency and complexity that characterize real cultures. One of these facies is known by the name of San Ciriaco, from the name of a town in the territory of Terralba, in the Oristano area. The ceramic production is characterized by the typical profile of the vases. Even the famous green steatite cup found in the necropolis of megalithic circle tombs of Li Muri near Arzachena, originally considered relevant to the culture of Ozieri, is now referred to the facies San Ciriaco for its strong resemblance to his ceramic productions.

It is at this stage that the first domus de janas (fairy houses), the typical artificial cave tombs, are excavated and, in addition to the megalithic circle tombs, the first dolmens and menhirs are built.


26/10/2023 - 12:31


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