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Villanova Tulo, Adoni Nuragic Complex

Villanova Tulo, Adoni Nuragic Complex

Villanova Tulo, Adoni Nuragic Complex

The complex is in an extraordinary position, on the top of a relief, above a limestone outcrop of the Giurese cliff, in the center of the historic region of Sarcidano. It sweeps across large stretches of southern Sardinia.
The nuragic complex consists of a central tower (A), a quadrilobed bastion (B, C, D, E), a powerful antewall and, in E, a village.
Of the central tower, or keep, partly freed from collapses during excavation work, a section of the external wall covering corresponding to the residual structures of the first floor chamber is visible. The different building technique adopted in the construction of the walls of the bastion compared to that used in the keep leads us to believe that the first one was built at later times.
Stairs, niches and curtains are appreciated in the walls.
The rubble and some old trees, grown on the S side inside the structures, prevent access to some environments that can be seen from the collapse floor.
Near one of the corner towers, tower B, about forty bronze objects have been found within a fairly narrow range of dispersion, almost all fragmentary (weevils, axes, javelin tips, spearheads, sheets, fragments of panels, etc.). The artifacts were perhaps part of a smelter's closet hidden in the upper parts of the walls, which fell to the ground following the collapse of the structures; two silver plates, one of which represents a feather, are perhaps related to the same bronze complex.
Also from the plane of collapse, numerous clay fragments of different types come from, framed between the recent Bronze and the final Bronze (1350-1150 BC): shells, bowls, vases with a distinct high neck, pots.
Also of great interest are the many obsidian sickle teeth and some awls and crinal needles in bone.
At the end of the 1998 excavation campaign, a fragment of a loop of bronze with a detected beaked bronze “oinochoe”, of the type “Schnabelkanne”, was also found at the foot of the curtain overlooking the keep, which so far has not been found among the Tyrrhenian import materials documented in Sardinia.
This class of objects, a symbol of Etruscan-Italic exports to Celtic Gaul and Rhenish Germany, is highly widespread on the Italian peninsula, in particular in Etruria, as a valuable accessory in princely tombs or for emerging classes.
The Adoni fragment, the terminal part of the loop with the attachment to the wall, is forged like a seven-leaf palmetta surmounted by two twisted snakes, opposed on the two sides, with their heads turned upwards.
It dates back to the end of the 6th century BC. The reason for its presence inside the nuraghe, therefore not in a funerary function, remains to be clarified.
A closet of whole and fragmentary vases, which came to light in the landing of the external staircase adjacent to tower E, documents moments of reoccupation of the complex in late antiquity (6th-7th century AD). Finally, we should mention some proto-Vandal coins, pertaining to a monetary treasure from this period, found in the square S.

History of Excavations
Studied and designed by Lamarmora in the first half of the nineteenth century, the monument was the subject of three excavations, in the years 1997-99, by Mario Sanges.

G. Lilliu, The Nuraghi. Prehistoric Towers of Sardinia, Cagliari, La Zattera, 1962;
M. Sanges, “The Nuraghe Adoni of Villanovatulo”, in The Heritage of Sarcidano and Barbagia di Seulo: a wealth of knowledge and life, Cagliari, B&P, 2001, pp. 193-196;
F.Campus, “The Adoni Nuraghe of Villanovatulo: the materials”, in The Heritage
of Sarcidano and Barbagia di Seulo: a heritage of knowledge and life, Cagliari, B&P, 2001, p. 197.

How to get There
At the height of Monastir, leave the SS 131 and take the SS 128, direction Senorbì, where you follow the signs for Suelli, Mandas and Isili. Take the road to the intersection with the SS 198; take the latter and continue to the junction with SP 52 that leads directly to Villanova Tulo. From the town, exit in the direction of Laconi, always on SP 52, and travel about 3.5 km; then turn south into an agrarian penetration road that bypasses the hill on which the nuraghe is located, less than a km away as the crow flies.

Structure category: archaeological area or park

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Villanova Tulo

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SP 52

Telephone: +39 0782 813023 +39 0782 813030 +39 340 2519683




March 21 - September 21

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

September 22nd - March 20

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

8:30 AM - 8:00 PM

Information on tickets and access: Ticket information is temporarily unavailable, please contact the property in advance.

Access mode: For a fee


30/5/2024 - 11:27


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