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Sinnai, Nuraghe di Sant'Itroxia

Sinnai, Nuraghe di Sant'Itroxia

Sinnai, Nuraghe di Sant'Itroxia

The monument is located on the back of a hill on the slopes of Mount Tratzalis. The dominant position of the nuraghe allows you to observe the alluvial terraces of the Campidano di Cagliari where the adjacent valleys lead, with a wide view of the Gulf of Cagliari.
The Nuraghe di Sant'Itroxia, a single-tower with a circular plan (11.50 m in external diameter), is placed - in the O-facing quadrant - on a spike of natural rock. The external wall consists of large blocks of porphyroid granite, freshly cut and arranged in horizontal rows. The entrance to the monument, facing S, leads into a corridor (3.10 m long) slightly curved inward (the width goes from 1.50 m at the entrance to 1.76 m near the room). In the second wall of the corridor, the door to the stairwell opens, with a helical pattern, which has eight steps.
The room has a circular plan (5.80/5.50 m in diameter) and a maximum remaining height of 1.78 m. The wall work consists of stones of various sizes, just rough and arranged in irregular rows with numerous raised wedges. On the sides of the room, in a cruciform pattern, there are three niche compartments.
In the current state of research, the context of Sant'Itroxia can be ascribed to the times of the Middle Bronze and perhaps the recent Bronze Age.
In the same territorial area there are two giant tombs built with blocks arranged in rows.

History of excavations
The site was excavated in 1980 and 1982 by Silvana Giorgetti.

S. Giorgetti, “The village of Sant'Itroxia in the territory of Sinnai”, in Studi Sardi, XXVI, 1981-85, pp. 17-30;
M.R. Manunza, “Testimonies of material culture from the Middle Bronze to the Iron Age in the countryside of Sinnai”, in Notebook-Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Archaeological Superintendence for the Provinces of Cagliari and Oristano
, 19, 2002.

How to get there
Coming from Settimo San Pietro, you cross the entire town of Sinnai and exit on the opposite side along a municipal road that heads, to the North-East, towards the Sette Fratelli Massif. After about 8 km, the road will run along, on the left, the low elevation on which the nuragic complex stands, at the foot of Mount Tratzalis.

Content type: Archaeological monument

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Sinnai

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: strada comunale Arcu S'Arcedda - località S'Itroxia


3/11/2023 - 10:52

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