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Sarroch, Antigori Complex

Sarroch, Antigori Complex

Sarroch, Antigori Complex

The nuraghe is located on the hill of Antigori, east of Sarroch, in a strategically dominant position towards the mountains of Capoterra and the Bay of Cagliari, not far from the nuraghe of Sa Domu and S'Orcu.
The Antigori complex consists of a fortification of circular towers and rectilinear wall curtains that enclose, including spikes of natural rock, the top of the hill on which was once a village and, perhaps, even a nuraghe. The entrance to the complex, facing S, is now completely obstructed by collapsing material. The corridor behind, with its curvilinear trend, had to lead to the top of the relief.
Today, only two buildings can be visited in the entire complex. The first, tower C, with a circular plan, which houses the “tholos” room with a chamber staircase. The second, the so-called compartment A, which is located close to curtain N. In the room A, with a quadrangular plan (m 3.20 x 2.20) and with an entrance facing E, the E and O walls are made of living rock, while the N and S walls are made of medium-sized blocks arranged in rows.
The stratigraphic excavations by Maria Luisa Ferrarese Ceruti, especially those in room A, have returned numerous Mycenaean ceramics in association with the Nuragic one, testifying to the relationship between the two civilizations.

History of excavations
It was excavated in 1982 by Maria Luisa Ferrarese Ceruti and, in 1994, by Roberta Relli.

E. Atzeni, “Outdoor Stations and Lithic Workshops in the Campidano of Cagliari”, in Studi Sardi, 14-15, 1957, pp. 68-128;
M.L. Ferrarese Ceruti, “Nuraghe Domu S'Orku (Sarroch, Cagliari)”, in Magna Graecia and the Mycenaean World: New Documents, Taranto, Institute for the History and Archaeology of Magna Graecia, 1982, pp. 178-179;
G. Lilliu, The civilization of the Sardinians from the Paleolithic
to the Nuraghi Age, Turin, Nuova ERI 1988,; M.L. Ferrarese Ceruti, “Sardinia and the world
Mycenaean”, in The Nuragic Civilization, Milan, Electa, 1990;
R. Relli, “Tower c of the Nuragic complex of Antigori (Sarroch): second note after the excavation of the upper room”, in Notebooks of the Archaeological Superintendence for the Provinces of Cagliari and Oristano, 11, 1, 1994, pp. 41-72.

How to get
from Cagliari, after crossing the junction for Capoterra, continue up to km 17.4, turn d., on a paved road with no signs, and immediately to the s. on a dirt road to be covered for about 200 m; then turn back to s. in another cart, for another 200 m uphill. You go up the hill on foot, on top of which stands the Nuragic fortification.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Sarroch

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SS 195 sulcitana


2/11/2023 - 13:15

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