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Quartu Sant'Elena, Church of Santa Maria di Cepola

Quartu Sant'Elena, Church of Santa Maria di Cepola

Quartu Sant'Elena, Church of Santa Maria di Cepola

Quartu Sant'Elena is the third city in Sardinia, after Cagliari and Sassari, and has all the characteristics of a medium-sized urban center. The origin of the name of the church of Santa Maria di Cepola derives from a variously declined toponym attested to in ancient documents. In the garden surrounding the church there are artifacts from the Roman era, recovered in place.
The “sancte Marie de Sapullo” church was donated in 1089 by Gonario-Salusio II de Lacon-Gunale, ruler of Cagliari, to the Victorian monks of Marseille and is attested to among their possessions until 1218. Probably built between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, it is now compromised by heavy renovations that alter its original physiognomy.
The plant has a single room, made of limestone cut into medium and large size conifers; the roof is wooden. Of the original church, only the apse and a part of the S side remain, in which a portal opens. The walkway is raised compared to the Romanesque layout: this has caused a reduction in the space in the apse; a single-window, which is then walled up, opens up.
In the walls there are traces of wall paintings that are difficult to interpret and date.

History of studies
Among the first citations is the entry 'Fourth' (1847) by Vittorio Angius, in the Casalis' Dictionary '. Ida Farci's monograph on the artistic heritage of Quartu Sant'Elena dates back to 1988. Finally, it should be noted the summary file by Roberto Coroneo (1993).

V. Angius, “Fourth”, in G. Casalis, Historical, Statistical-Commercial Geographical Dictionary of the States of His Excellency the King of Sardinia, XVI, Turin, G. Maspero, 1847, pp. 27-52; I. Farci, Quartu Sant'Elena. Religious art from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century, Cagliari, Stef, 1988, pp. 37-50;
G. Struglia, The place names of the territory of Quartu Sant'Elena. Explanation-Guide, Quartu Sant'Elena, Prestampa, 1992, p. 172;
R. Coroneo, Romanesque architecture from the middle of the thousand to the early '300, Nuoro, Ilisso, 1993, page 43; R. Coroneo, Romanesque churches of Sardinia.
Tourist-cultural itineraries, Cagliari, AV, 2005, p. 94;
I. Farci, “Church of Santa Maria di Cepola - Quartu Sant'Elena”, in The jewels of religious architecture. History, restorations and furnishings from Romanesque to classical style
, curated by N. Rossi-S. Meloni, Dolianova, Graphic by Parteolla, 2005.

Content type: Religious architecture

Province: Cagliari

Common: Quartu Sant'Elena

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Santa Maria, s.n.c.


23/11/2023 - 10:20

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