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Ozieri, Giuseppe Altana Picture Gallery

Ozieri, Giuseppe Altana Picture Gallery

Ozieri, Giuseppe Altana Picture Gallery

The city art gallery “Giuseppe Altana”, located in the premises of the former Power Plant by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ozieri and the “San Michele” institution, exhibits a selection of about 70 works from the City's impressive art collection.
It is a group of pictorial and sculptural works selected and set up by Mario Lai and Michele Calaresu, passionate local art lovers. Many of these works are the result of various donations made in recent years by some people who are affectionately linked to Ozieri, including the Marras, Tinu and Cocco families. The exhibition takes into account the need to make the most of the most important Ozierese painters; therefore, visitors can admire the “Giuseppe Altana Room”, the “Pietro Tinu Rooms”, the “Prof. Vincenzo Marras Rooms” and the contemporary art rooms.
Among the works on display are those of internationally renowned artists, such as Battaglia, Ceccobelli, Cotani, Di Stasio, Galliani, Panzino, Passa, Pinelli, Pizzi Cannella, Ricci, Tacchi and Lai, and of important exponents of nineteenth-century Sardinian, Tuscan and Umbrian art (such as Somelli, Mazzaccherini, Valori and others)

Why it is important to visit it
In addition to conserving an important collection of works of art and constituting an important exhibition space, which has hosted and will host temporary exhibitions, the former power plant represents one of the most important examples of industrial archeology in Sardinia.
The building hosted the first power plant operating in Sardinia, later used as a pasta factory. Inside it preserves some machinery that testifies to its history.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Arts

Usability: Open

Province: Sassari

Common: Ozieri

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: via Alcide De Gasperi, 2

Telephone: +39 079 7851052 +39 079 787638



Information on tickets and access: The art gallery is open exclusively by reservation, by phone or by email.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 3 €, grownups, .

  • Reduced : 2 €, minors, .


29/5/2024 - 19:08


Guided tours Guided tours

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