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La Maddalena, Diocesan Museum

La Maddalena, Diocesan Museum

La Maddalena, Diocesan Museum

The exhibition is located in the parish church of Santa Maria Maddalena. The most important feature of the museum is that it is the place of memory of the founding of the town, of its growth and therefore of its own history, iconically witnessed by the cult of Saint Mary Magdalene. The main theme of the exhibition is the “Treasure of Saint Mary Magdalene”, an exhibition of ex-votaries offered by devotees to the Patron Saint. Gallurese jewellery from the 16th to 18th century is part of the treasure. You can admire statues, paintings, tapestries, ancient books, tabernacles, sacred vestments and altar equipment, such as monstrances, pissids, chalices, patens, turiboli and cartegloria. Equally important are the silver for the liturgy with the coat of arms of Baron Giorgio Andreas De Geneys, appointed commander of the Sardinian Navy in 1799 by Viceroy Carlo Felice. There is an inventory of the “treasure” and an ancient documentation of the offers for the construction of the church. There are numerous traces of the religious life of the community; crepitacles and other artisanal artifacts; iconographic finds from the early 19th century attesting to a sort of local masculine and feminine costume with gold and coral jewelry. A special section is dedicated to the devotional iconography of the Patron Saint: original engravings and prints of great historical and artistic interest. Attached to the museum is a specialized library of religious culture with essays and specific bibliography of the Saint, New Testament and Apocryphal.

Why it is important to visit it
There are numerous traces of the religious life of the community. The images (printed in the island town) are important, which testify to the historical evolution of the island's parishes or capture moments of religious life of the community or of individual Magdalenian religious. The exhibition contains the altar service donated by Orazio Nelson to the parish of Santa Maria Maddalena, consisting of three neoclassical silvers made in 1804 by a silversmith workshop in Barcelona. The silver is accompanied by autograph letters from the admiral.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Arts

Usability: Open

Province: Sassari

Common: La Maddalena

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: via Baron Manno, s.n.c.

Telephone: +39 079 6393099 +39 349 1534391



January - December

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday

10:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Special openings: By reservation in the afternoon and on the weekend.

Information on tickets and access: Additional discounts on the ticket price are possible, established on the basis of specific circumstances. Restrictions: access is allowed only to guide dogs for the blind, as long as they are equipped with a leash and to pets whose support for therapeutic treatments, pet therapy, is certified. The use of mobile phones is not allowed, it is not possible to enter monuments with food and drink, smoking is prohibited in monument complexes. In monuments it is possible to take pictures or footage by requesting, in advance, a specific permit from the Diocesan Office for Cultural Heritage. It is absolutely forbidden to touch the works of art.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Integer : 3 €, adults over 14 years old, .

  • Reduced : 2 €, minors up to 14 years old, adults over 65 years old, groups over 15 people, disabled, .

Services information: Guided tours are also carried out in English and French.


26/5/2024 - 09:53


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