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Cagliari, Lixi Palace

Cagliari, Lixi Palace

Cagliari, Lixi Palace

The building, designed by the same owner, engineer Gaetano Lixi, is located in Via Paoli at nos. 22-26, in an area of significant development in the period between the two world wars.
Built between 1932 and 1933, the building was damaged by aerial bombing in 1943 until it was restored after the war, even in the fine decorations that distinguish it.
The building is spread over an angle with two adjoining fronts crossed vertically by pilasters that separate the openings, arranged in an axis and alternately equipped with protruding balconies or flush with the façade. The most obvious element is the use of color, present both in the plinth and in the façade paintings, which helps to delimit spaces and surfaces. The building, in fact, was made more precious thanks to the intervention of the sculptor Francesco Ciusa who finished it with a plaster on a pinkish base similar to Venetian stucco and with relief friezes bearing caravels and fountains of great elegance and finesse.

Bibliography by
G. Loddo, Cagliari. Architecture from 1900 to 1945
, Cagliari, Coedisar, 1999, p. 77
F. Masala, Architecture from the Unification of Italy to the End of the 20th Century. Nuoro, Ilisso, 2001, sheet 101.

Content type: Civil architecture

Province: Cagliari

Common: Cagliari

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Paoli, 22-26


9/11/2023 - 09:52

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