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Cagliari, CAG Herbarium Museum

Cagliari, CAG Herbarium Museum

Cagliari, CAG Herbarium Museum

Located in the center of Cagliari, on the ground floor of a building from the late nineteenth century, it is an integral part of the Botanical Section of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA), belongs to the University's Interdepartmental Center for Historical Museums and Archives (CIMCAS), is included among the museum collections on the ANMS‐Coll Map portal and is part of the “Coordination of the Italian Network of Botanical Museums (Corimbo). Because of its wealth and potential, it is listed in the Index Herbariorum with the acronym CAG. Its birth is linked to the founding of the Botanical Garden (inaugurated in 1866), while the restructuring and ordering date back to the 1950s and 60s of the last century.
In addition to representing an indispensable support for floristic, taxonomic, ecological and phytogeographic research, it has an important function in keeping voucher specimens related to ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, biochemistry, toxicology and pharmacology.
The Museum collects more than 65,000 specimens of dried plants (dried) and is divided into: Sardinian herbarium, with about 35,000 samples; general herbarium, with about 30,000 samples from various origins (Italy; Europe, Africa and America). To this heritage are added the collections of Cultivated Plants from the Botanical Garden, a Pharmaceutical Herbarium, an ancient Cecidotheque prepared and illustrated by Trotter and Cecconi (1899-1913) and the cryptogamic collections: Algological (1481 samples), Lichenological (444 samples), Bryological (392 samples), Mycologica (3000 samples); in these collections there are collections dating back to the first half of the 19th century.

Why it is important to visit it
It is important because it represents a treasure chest of plant biodiversity in which the visitor, consulting this historical and cultural heritage, can immerse himself discovering and retracing, albeit virtually, the trips that in the past centuries, numerous botanists, researchers or simple enthusiasts have made in Sardinia and beyond.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Science and/or technology

Usability: Open

Province: Cagliari

Common: Cagliari

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: viale Sant'Ignazio da Laconi, 13

Telephone: +39 070 6753532



Special openings: Special opening days are scheduled on the occasion of Scientific Week, Open Monuments, F.A.I days and Science Festivals.

Information on tickets and access: The museum is accessible by guided tour upon reservation. The opening is linked to academic scheduling, so visits are suspended during the summer and Christmas holidays.

Access mode: Free

Services information: As part of the third mission, the Herbarium Museum offers dedicated workshops to school groups of all levels, allowing young visitors to get closer to the scientific activities that take place there.


19/4/2024 - 14:36


Teaching room Teaching room

Guided tours Guided tours

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