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Bosa, Coroneddu Necropolis

Bosa, Coroneddu Necropolis

Bosa, Coroneddu Necropolis

The complex is located on a rocky outcrop along the southern slopes of a hill overlooking the Modolo valley, in Planargia, a region of central-western Sardinia.
The necropolis comprises three multicellular hypogeans. Tomb I - difficult to access because it is raised by 4.50 m compared to the country level - consists of an atrium and two coaxial cells. From the atrium, with an irregular floor plan (width 1.65 m; length 1.00 m; height 1.50 m) and oriented to S, the antechamber can be accessed through a partially damaged door. The room, with a quadrangular plan (width 2.47 m; length 1.80 m; height 1.32 m), has well-worked surfaces and a flat ceiling. A circular cup (diam. cm 15; depth cm 3) is dug in the center of the floor.
The entrance to the next cell - raised and with a trace of the recess - opens into the back wall: the room, with a sub-quadrangular plan (width m 2.65; length m 2.00; height m 1.30), with a concave and irregular ceiling, has two small subsidiary rooms on the sides. The compartment on wall d. has an elliptical and irregular plan (width m 1.20; length m 0.77; height m 0.76) and oven ceiling; the cell on the wall has a polygonal plan (width m 1.20; length m 1.95; height m 0.85) and concave ceiling. Tomb II consists of a large atrium oriented in S, a semicircular antecell (length 3.58 m; width 3.17 m; height 1.05/1.60 m) with well-worked walls, and a cell with three small rooms. The cell has architectural decorations carved in relief: the ceiling reproduces a roof with a semicircle pattern above the door, from which eight beams radiate; the side walls are adorned with a frame.
Through a raised door on wall d. there is access to a secondary room (width 1.60 m; depth 1.20 m; height 0.97 m) with a quadrangular plan and a flat ceiling. Two entrances are opened on the main wall: the first leads to a small room with a sub-circular plan (diameter 0.65x0.73 m; height 0.45 m), while the second leads to a quadrangular room (width 2.27 m; length 2.10 m; height 1.20 m) with a flat ceiling. Tomb III has profound alterations from the original layout: the space of the bilobed cell (length 2.50 m; width 2.95 m; height 0.65 m) was originally characterized by two distinct environments.

History of excavations
The necropolis has been known since the middle of the last century.

G. Lilliu, The Sardinian Civilization from the Neolithic Age to the Nuraghi Age, Turin, ERI, 1963, p. 117;
M.L. Ferrarese Ceruti, “Domus de janas in Molimentos (Benetutti-Sassari)”, in Bulletin of Italian Palethnology, XVIII, 76, 1967, pp. 85, 87, fig. 18.4;
V. Santoni, “Preliminary note on the type of
artificial funerary caves in Sardinia”, in the Sardinian Historical Archive, XXX, 1976, p. 40 fig. 5.

A. Moravetti, Archaeological research in the Marghine-Planargia. The Marghine - Monuments, Part One. Sassari, C. Delfino, 1998 (Archaeological Sardinia. Studies and monuments; 5), pp. 183-185.

How to get there
From Bosa, exit in the direction of Macomer; immediately after, turn right for Modolo and, at a further fork, again left for Modolo. After about 200 meters, you will notice, on the left on the top, the limestone wall of the southern edge of the Coroneddu hill, with the large opening of Tomb I clearly visible from below. You go up the slope passing through the fields.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Oristano

Common: Bosa

Macro Territorial Area: Central Sardinia


Address: SP 35, per Modolo - Bosa


9/10/2023 - 14:28

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