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Iglesias, Palazzetto Liberty in Corso Matteotti

Iglesias, Palazzetto Liberty in Corso Matteotti

Iglesias, Palazzetto Liberty in Corso Matteotti

The building is part of the series of palaces built on both sides of Corso Matteotti, the main street of the historic center, made straight through these buildings, which meet neo-medieval or Liberty stylistic criteria, an expression of a wealthy bourgeoisie between the 19th and 20th centuries.
The building is spread over four floors concluded by a molded frame and stands out above all for the unique presence, quite unusual and of English origin, of two bowindows, which protrude polygonal in relation to the edge of the façade. Above the elongated and narrow windows, concrete decorations depicting clusters of roses are visible, which insert the building in the Liberty style, present several times in the city of Iglesias, thanks also to the economic conditions favored by mining activity in the early twentieth century.

History of studies
A review of the studies can be found in the bibliography relating to the fact sheet in the volume of the “History of Art in Sardinia” on nineteenth-century architecture (2001).

Bibliography by
S. Naitza, “Iglesias and the new architectural styles: notes for reading a modern urban image”, in Man and the Mines in Sardinia, edited by T.K. Kirova, Cagliari, Edizioni della Torre, 1993, pp. 127-130;
F. Masala, Architecture from the Unification of Italy to the End of the 20th Century.
Nuoro, Ilisso, 2001, sheet 32.

Content type: Civil architecture

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Iglesias

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: via Giacomo Matteotti, 44


21/11/2023 - 07:59

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