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Assemini, San Leone Mine

Assemini, San Leone Mine

Assemini, San Leone Mine

The mine is part of an area of great environmental interest. Granted to the Frenchman Léon Gouin in the mid-nineteenth century, the iron mine remained active until 1963 and today productive tree crops have been planted in its large territory, which have partially changed the landscape altered by the impressive open-pit excavations.
The buildings of the mine date back to two periods: the oldest one belongs to the direction, which has two floors with simple windows and balconies, covered by a sloping roof. The modern village has several abandoned houses.
The powerful electromagnetic treatment plant dating back to the fifties of the twentieth century with large square volumes, arranged at different levels and built with exposed reinforced concrete structures, is decidedly more interesting. Among these, the large pylon supporting the iron stairs visible on the outside stands out.
The mine is part of the Geominerary, Historical and Environmental Park of Sardinia, recognized by UNESCO.

History of studies
The San Leone mine is mentioned in several works on industrial archeology in Sardinia.

S. Mezzolani-A. Simoncini, Sardinia to save. Landscapes and mine architecture, Nuoro, Sardinian Photographic Archive, 1993, pp. 257-262.

How to get there
The mine is located in an administrative enclave of Assemini within the territory of Capoterra. It can be reached by following the road to the N of the town of Capoterra that leads to the town of Is Pauceris. After leaving the country church of Santa Lucia, you turn south to access the abandoned iron mine.

Content type: Mine

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Assemini

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: località San Leone


13/11/2023 - 12:50

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