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Villasor, Su Sonadori Complex

Villasor, Su Sonadori Complex

Villasor, Su Sonadori Complex

The building is located in the town of S'Acqua Cotta, on the border between the Campidano plain and the first SE offshoots of the Monte Linas Massif. It rises on a rocky spur 94 m above sea level, in the center of an alluvial basin surrounded by low hills.
The complex consists of a keep, a hexagonal body and a village.
The keep is surrounded by six “autonomous” curvilinear buildings, different in shape and size and connected by straight and curvilinear wall curtains, which enclose a large S-SO courtyard.
The keep, with a circular plan, has an external diameter of 9.90 m. The masonry consists of large blocks made from local clay-schist rock (maximum remaining height m 2.20).
The entrance to the tower, raised above the courtyard level by about 1 m, faces S-SO. The back corridor, crooked and descending to the entrance of the room, has a partially paved floor.
The chamber, eccentric and devoid of cover, has a circular plan (diameter of 4.30-4.40 m). In the wall opposite the entrance wall there are traces of a seat counter. The floor, low compared to the entrance corridor, is formed by a clayey structure placed above the rock. The absence of niches and chambers gives the monument a rather archaic appearance. There is no trace left of the staircase, nor is it possible to hypothesize the presence of an upper chamber of the tower.
The bastion consists, as already mentioned, of a series of “autonomous” buildings connected by short curtain walls with a straight or curvilinear trend. The wall work, of which two rows remain, is made of medium and small multifaceted blocks.
Of the six buildings that surround the keep, two have rather slender structures, with reduced wall thickness, the other four have more massive wall structures. None of the added bodies preserved the remains of masonry stairs, so access to the upper parts of the monument had to be through the keep staircase or with retractable stairs.
The entrance to the wall opens to E, through a paved corridor with, on the right, a small niche. It leads into a side entrance overlooking the entrance of the building, and which, through a narrow passage between the keep and the building, connects with the courtyard. The entrances of the other buildings converge on the courtyard, which shows a slight slope towards S and which consists in part of the flat rock. One is characterized by not having access either to the courtyard or to the hallway.
Around the nuraghe, there are structures emerging that are still unexplored, while in NO, the probable remains of some nuragic huts with a curvilinear profile have emerged; some NE walls are relevant to a rectangular building from the Roman age.
At the current state of research, it can be considered that the keep initially coexisted with a group of circular huts identified during excavations; the village would have developed over time, maintaining an appearance more similar to that of the original huts in sector S and instead taking on a more massive appearance in sector N.
The structure of the keep can be brought back to a moment of transition from Middle Bronze to recent Bronze, while the construction and use of the individual added bodies date back to Recent bronze. The building was probably abandoned before the final Bronze Age. A tower was reused in the 2nd to 1st century BC.

History of excavations
The site was affected by five excavation campaigns between 1994 and 2000.

A. Usai-V. Marras, The Nuraghe Su Sonadori and other archaeological evidence in the countryside of Villasor, Villasor, Pro loco di Villasor, 1997; A. Usai-V. Marras, “The Nuragic Complex of Su Sonadori (Villasor-Cagliari)”, in The Recent Bronze Age in Italy, Viareggio, 2004; A. Usai-V. Marras, “Excavations in the Nuraghe Su Sonadori (Villasor-Cagliari): campaigns 1994-2000", in La Civiltà Nuragica: new acquisitions, series “Notebooks. Acts and monographs”, 1, Quartu Sant'Elena, 2005.

How to get there
From Villasor, take the SS exit in the direction of Villacidro. After about 10 km, at the crossroads of the S'Acqua Cotta corner, turn right on the SS 293 in the direction of Vallermosa. Continue for about 1.7 km, until you reach the low hill on which the Nuragic complex stands on the right.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Villasor

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: SS 293 - località S'Acqua Cotta


7/11/2023 - 13:29

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