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Sarroch, Nuraghe Sa Domu 'e s'Orcu

Sarroch, Nuraghe Sa Domu 'e s'Orcu

Sarroch, Nuraghe Sa Domu 'e s'Orcu

The building is located at an altitude of 107 m above sea level on a brick leaning over the sea, guarding the Grampera river valley.
The building is of the “pitched” type, consisting of an ancient tower attached to a trapezoidal body limited to OSO by a smaller, more recent tower. The whole is arranged in the direction of OSO-ENE with an entrance to the sea. The entire construction measures 23.45 x 14.45 meters. The oldest tower, with a circular plan (diameter 10.15 m), has a maximum height of 8.10 m. The wall work consists of large blocks of porphyrite, just rough and arranged in irregular horizontal rows. The entrance to the monument (0.72 x 2.00 m high), facing SO, is surmounted by an lintel equipped with an exhaust window. The rear corridor, 3.80 m long, has an ovival section and an increasing height towards the entrance to the room (the height goes from m 2 at the entrance to m 5.60 at the bottom). The room, eccentric and lowered from the corridor floor by 0.22 m, has a circular plan (3.75 m in diameter). There are no niches. At the top, on the right side, at a height of 4.50 m from the floor, there is a staircase to the terrace, of which 14 steps are preserved. On the right wall, between the inner corner of the hallway and the opening of the staircase, you can see — raised by 3.80 m — the opening of a niche-closet (1.30 x 2.00 m high). The andit has an ovival section.
The entrance to the added body, with an SSE face and rectangular shape (0.77 x 1.35 m high), is surmounted by an lintel with an exhaust window. The rear corridor, 3.00 m long, which has a semicircular niche on the right wall (1 x 1.30 m deep), then flows - through another arched entrance - into the courtyard. The trapezoidal courtyard (4 x 3.50 m) overlooks the entrances of the two towers and two niches: one above the inner door of the hall and the other at the base of the wall opposite the entrance. At the foot of the entrance wall there is a seat counter. On the short side of the ENE courtyard, the additional tower door of 0.90 x 1.40 m high opens with an lintel and exhaust window. This circular tower (diameter 9.20 m) has a wall thickness of 2.40 m. The rear opening (2.70 m long), folded inwards (1.30 m wide x 3.60 high), with a rather low angular cut tending to the tabular, leads to the circular chamber (4.40 m in diameter), without cover and with a remaining height of 6.75 m.

History of excavations
It was excavated in 1924 by Antonio Taramelli.

A. Taramelli, “Sarrock: excavations in the Nuraghe Sa Domu 'e S'Orcu”, in Ancient Monuments of the Royal Academy of the Lincei, XXXI, 1926;
E. Contu, “The Nuragic Architecture”, in Ichnussa: Sardinia from its origins to the classical age, Milan, Libri Scheiwiller, 1981;
M. Sequi, Nuraghi: manual for discovering 90 great megalithic towers of Sardinia, Robbiate, Multigraf, 1985; G. Lilliu, The
Prehistoric towers of Sardinia, preface by A. Moravetti. Nuoro, Ilisso, 2005, pp. 109-111, 124-127.

How to get
From Sarroch follow the signs for the hill where the nuraghe is located, which is accessed through a path to be followed on foot for about 300 meters.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Sarroch

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: strada comunale Perd'e Sali


2/11/2023 - 13:22

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