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Fluminimaggiore, Zurru Licheri mill

Fluminimaggiore, Zurru Licheri mill

Fluminimaggiore, Zurru Licheri mill

The plant is part of a large group of mills, which have now disappeared, which, using the proximity of the Mannu River, which overlooks the town of Fluminimaggiore, were a major element of the country's economy.
Since 1997, the plant has housed the Ethnographic Museum, today “Old Licheri Water Mill” after the name of the family that owned it.
The construction was built in the mid-eighteenth century and is organized in three small buildings arranged in length, with a single floor and an attic, covered with wooden trusses and traditional Sardinian channeling. Around 1860, the Zurru family, originally from Gonnosfanadiga, bought the building, dedicating themselves to the milling business, which was added to the raising of pigs, already practiced before.
The main entrance with three arches leads into an open, stone-paved environment. Today, the building consists of several rooms, which display a large number of objects from the ancient mill (mole, measures in wood, iron and cork) and from the donations of the inhabitants of the town. In the various environments, the museum itinerary shows the tools used in the agro-pastoral economy of the past and various objects and furnishings of everyday life.
Under the building, the canal passes with the water that sets the two millstones of the mill in motion; these transmitting the driving force to the basalt moles, still visible, allowed the production of flour derived from different cereals.

Content type: Sites or plants

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Fluminimaggiore

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: piazza Antonio Gramsci, s.n.c.

Telephone: +39 0781 580990 +39 347 8174989



Information on tickets and access: To use the museum services, contact the “Vecchio Mulino ad Acqua Licheri”, website:


16/11/2023 - 10:22

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