The forty-second edition of the Spaziomusica Festival kicks off tomorrow (Tuesday, September 26) at the Cagliari Ghetto. Echoic Memory is the theme that will accompany the events of the festival dedicated to contemporary music and its immediate declinations, with a rich program scheduled until November 9 with national and international artists.
The Festival Spaziomusica festival, founded by Maestro Franco Oppo in 1982, will start presenting its rich program starting tomorrow, which spans between concerts and acoustic and audiovisual performances.
The theme of the upcoming edition is Echoic Memory, and as usual, it will turn its gaze to the international and national scene, with the usual attention to the island scene, with artists such as Joo Won Park, Giulio Colangelo, Cesare Saldicco Nicolas Thirion, Juliette Tixier, Valentine Leboucher, Carolina Lidia Fracchi, Sandro Mungianu, Walter Prati, Fabrizio Casti, Theocharis Papatrechas, Danilo Casti, Gabriele Marangoni, Nicola and Raffaele Bertolini, Roberto Zanu, Sandro Mungianu, Walter Prati, Fabrizio Casti, Theocharis Papatrechas, Danilo Casti, Gabriele Marangoni, Nicola and Raffaele Bertolini, Roberto Zanini, Gabrizio Casti, Gabriele Marangoni, Nicola and Raffaele Bertolini, Data, Miguel Angel Berbis and Jacopo Foschi, among others.
Spaziomusica is created with the contribution of the MiC (Directorate General for Live Entertainment), the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, (Department of Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport) and the Municipality of Cagliari, (Department of Culture, Public Education, Sport, Entertainment and Youth Policy) in collaboration with the Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina State Conservatory of Music in Cagliari.
For information call or write to the number +39 333 5485648 or to the email or go to the ticket office at Il Ghetto.
Structure contacts:
Spazio Musica
Via Liguria, 60 - 09127 Cagliari (CA)
Tel: +39 333 5485648 - +39 070 400844
Where is it
29 Sep 2023 - 26 Nov 2023