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Cagliari, Area of Viale Trento-Viale Trieste

Cagliari, Area of Viale Trento-Viale Trieste

Cagliari, Area of Viale Trento-Viale Trieste

The area is between the current Viale Trieste and Viale Trento.
In Viale Trieste, the discoveries of conspicuous remains of buildings dating back to the Roman-Republican and Roman-Imperial ages are of particular interest, such as those identified during the work for the foundations of the palaces at number 10, 24 and 30, 29, 49, 50 and 52, 70, 105, 151, between Viale Trieste and Via Caprera; in front of the Carmine church, between Viale Trieste and Via Carloforte and between Viale Trieste and Via San Paolo.
Also in Viale Trento, there are numerous discoveries, including those pertaining to the portion overlooking the former Massimo theater; at number 48; under the Siotto High School (a stretch of aqueduct); near the intersection with Viale Merello.
The archaeological survey carried out in 1985 in Viale Trieste 105, inside a courtyard, brought to light a multi-layered complex whose first phase is assigned to the late-Punic and Roman-Republican periods. This phase refers to some rectangular rooms in isodome work with walls covered with whitish plaster and a road layout. Around the 4th century AD, the entire area was restored with the creation of an environment decorated with polychrome mosaic, a tank and a sewer arm. It is believed that the complex was used until the 7th century AD. In addition, cappuccine burials have been found with traces of incineration.
The data indicate that the urban area of Carales until the 3rd century AD was delimited to the W by the necropolis of Sant'Avendrace, to the N by the amphitheater and to the E by the necropolis of Viale Regina Margherita.
In the western portion, the settlement consisted of a group of modest housing units, with sectors used for funerary use. Starting from the 4th century AD, a reorganization of these areas was carried out, as would seem to be confirmed by the changes undergone by some building complexes in Viale Trieste and in the surrounding areas. The discovery of some epigraphs, in the area between Viale Trieste and Fangariu, testifies to their funerary use from the 4th to the 7th century AD.

History of excavations
Starting from the nineteenth century, the area between Viale Trento and Viale Trieste has sporadically returned numerous traces of the city's past. At the end of the last century, the systematic excavations of the area were conducted by Marie Antoinette Mongiu.

G. Lilliu, “Discoveries and excavations made in Sardinia during the years 1948-1949”, in Studi Sardi, IX, 1950, pp. 394-559;
M.A. Mongiu, “Notes for an integration-revision of
the 'Karalis Form' (Excavations 1978-1982)”, in Santa Igia. Capitale Giudicale
, Pisa, ETS, 1986, pp. 127-154;
M.A. Mongiu, “Urban Archaeology in Cagliari: the area of Viale Trieste 105", in Notebooks of the Archaeological Superintendence for the Provinces of Cagliari and Oristano, 4, II, 1987, pp. 51-75; M.A. Mongiu, “Addenda forma e urbis. Late ancient and early medieval elements in Cagliari in the light of recent excavations”, in Early Christian and Early Medieval Archaeology in Sardinia: recent studies and research. Proceedings of the Study Seminar, Cagliari, 1988, pp. 61-88:
M.A. Mongiu, “Cagliari and its conurbation between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages”, in The Suburbs of Cities in Sardinia: Persistences and Transformations.
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Late Roman and Early Medieval Archaeology in Sardinia, Taranto, 1989, pp. 89-124;
A.M. Colavitti, Cagliari, series “Ancient Cities in Italy”, Rome, 2003.

Content type: Archaeological complex

Usability: unmanaged site

Province: Cagliari

Common: Cagliari

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: viale Trento-viale Trieste, s.n.c.


19/10/2023 - 09:59

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