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Burgos, Museum of Castles

Burgos, Museum of Castles

Burgos, Museum of Castles

The narrow, uphill streets, the brick houses with their double-sloped roof and the medieval alleys of the historic center are characteristic of Burgos, through which you can access the fortress where the homonymous castle stands.
The museum is located in the center of the town, housed in the rooms of a late nineteenth-century manor house, which belonged to a family of local landowners, the Massaiu. The building, recently restored and renovated, is spread over three floors.
The museum itinerary is structured in three thematic environments. A part hosts temporary exhibitions on the theme of castles. Another concerns the exhibition of thematic maps that indicate the Spanish-era coastal towers and the strategic defense points of the island, particularly exposed because of its particular geographical position at the center of Mediterranean commercial and military routes.
A part of the structure, on the other hand, is entirely dedicated to the reconstruction of peasant life. It offers a journey through memory through work tools of other times and tools of different shapes that illustrate the work and effort of man.
In an area of the museum there is an exhibition of old and recent photos that have castles as their subject. The itinerary is closed by an equipped multimedia room that allows a historical reading of the approximately one hundred castles in Sardinia.
A short distance away is the medieval castle of Burgos. Located in an isolated position, on a rock mass that made it absolutely impregnable, it currently preserves the triple walls, the perimeter walls and the great tower, more than ten meters high.

Why it's important to visit it
The guided tour allows you to deepen your historical knowledge about the island's fortifications, in particular on the castles, and on the four Sardinian judges.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: History

Usability: Open

Province: Sassari

Common: Burgos

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: vico Castello, s.n.c.

Telephone: +39 347 9018930



January - December

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

2:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Cumulative integer : 3 €, grownups, for museum and castle .

  • Reduced cumulative : 2.7 €, school groups and students, for museum and castle .

Services information: The guided tour is included in the ticket price.

Other services: With additional amounts, to be defined on the basis of the chosen offer, the museum organizes excursions, trekking and off-road trips, on the following itineraries: archaeological-naturalistic to Foresta Burgos, to the nuraghi and menhirs of Benetutti, to the naturalistic museum of the Monte Pisanu Forest Authority. Excursions may include the option of a typical lunch.


19/4/2024 - 14:23


Bookshop Bookshop

Guided tours Guided tours

Facilitated physical accessibility for visitors with specific needs Facilitated physical accessibility for visitors with specific needs

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