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Bonorva, Church of San Lorenzo di Rebeccu

Bonorva, Church of San Lorenzo di Rebeccu

Bonorva, Church of San Lorenzo di Rebeccu

The rural site, where the church is located, corresponds to a Roman-era settlement along the ancient road “Caralibus Ulbiam”. In medieval times, the village of Rebeccu was established there, which was later abandoned. In 1831, inside the San Lorenzo, a lead seal of Barisone II, judge of Torres between 1147 and 1186, was found.
The church of San Lorenzo represents an example of “minor” Romanesque architecture, which draws its main source of charm from its organic insertion into the landscape.
The structural characteristics and the seal of Barisone II, found inside and perhaps originally hanging from the parchment consecrating the altar, lead to the factory being placed in the second half of the 12th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, the church was partially demolished to use the materials in the construction of the parish church of Rebeccu. In the 1982 restorations, the S side and the wooden roof were rebuilt.
The floor plan is single-aisled with an E-shaped apse. The original wall is made of medium-sized calcareous ashlars with basalt stone inserts, which hint at the bichromatic work. In the façade, concluded by a sailing bell tower, the portal is arched and surmounted by a lunette. The wide corner pilasters end at the base of the slopes, along which there are five small arches cut flush and set on peducci. In both pediments, a cruciform light illuminates the room.

History of studies
Vittorio Angius cites the church under the headings' Bonorva 'and' Ribeccu '(1834, 1847). In an article on 'New Sardinia', Giovanni Lilliu (1972) suggested that the church of 'Santu Larentu' had been built on the ruins of a complex nuraghe and complained of its progressive ruin. After the restoration, the building was studied by Aldo Sari (1976, 1981). The most recent contributions are by Renata Serra (1989) and Roberto Coroneo (1993).

V. Angius, entries “Bonorva”, “Ribeccu”, in G. Casalis, Historical, Statistical and Commercial Geographical Dictionary of the States by H.M. the King of Sardinia, Turin, G. Maspero, II, 1834, p. 435; XV, 1847, p. 204;
P. Martini, “Seal of King Barusone”, in Sardinian Archaeological Bulletin, IV, 1858, pp. 90-91;
G. Lilliu, “The Romanesque Church of San Lorenzo is ruined at Rebeccu”, in New Sardinia, September 29, 1972; A. Sari, “Additions to The Architecture of the Middle
Ages in Sardinia by

Raffaello Delogu”, in Archivio Storico Sardo, XXX, 1976, pp. 211-217;
A. Sari, “New architectural testimonies for the knowledge of the Middle Ages in Sardinia”, in Archivio Storico Sardo, XXXII, 1981, pp. 95-100;
R. Serra, Sardinia, series “Romanesque Italy”, Milan, 1989, pp. 400-401; R. Coroneo, Romanesque Architecture from the Mid Thousand to the early '300, Nuoro, Ilisso, 1993, sheet 92;
R. Coroneo, Romanesque Churches
of Sardinia.
Cultural tourist itineraries
i, Cagliari, 2005, p. 55.

How to get there
You leave the town of Bonorva to take the SP 126. After 5 km you can see the church of San Lorenzo at the junction, on the road that goes up to the hamlet of


Content type: Religious architecture

Province: Sassari

Common: Bonorva

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: strada comunale Bonorva Rebeccu, s.n.c. - località Regione San Lorenzo


29/9/2023 - 12:24

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