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Barumini, Casa Zapata Museum Complex

Barumini, Casa Zapata Museum Complex

Barumini, Casa Zapata Museum Complex

The exhibition complex consists of three distinct museum entities: an archaeological one, a historical one and an ethnographic one, located within the structures of the valuable “Palazzo Zapata”.
The building, the residence of the feudal lords of Barumini, Las Plassas and Villanovafranca, is one of the few examples of seventeenth-century civil architecture in Sardinia. It has classicist architectural modules (the same ones that inspired the Cagliari palace of the Zapata barons, in the heart of the Castle) and has a ground floor and a first floor, the latter accessible on the façade through a staircase with elegant lines. The portal and windows show triangular tympani resting on semicolumns with basket-shaped capitals; the family coat of arms is carved on the tympanum of the portal: the shield with the three shoes.
The palace was built on the ruins of a three-lobed nuraghe, popularly called “Nurax'e Cresia”, as it is close to the Parish Church of the Blessed Immaculate Virgin. With the renovation of the interiors of the building for museum purposes, it was possible to highlight these ruins - sections of the antewall and a part of the village - offering a fascinating view of the Nuragic monument from above, thanks to a system of walkways and transparent floors. A series of educational panels arranged along the walkways allows you to progressively delve into a path of general knowledge about Nuragic civilization, made more punctual in higher environments, dedicated to the events and excavations of the famous nuraghe “Su Nuraxi”, located a short distance from the feudal palace. Some particularly significant contexts are presented, such as the “hut 80" from which a stone betyl in the shape of a single-tower nuraghe comes from. The itinerary is closed by a lower room that shows some types of finds with the aim of explaining their functions in relation to the practices of life in the Nuragic age.
The two historical and ethnographic sections are set up in the structures of the ancient rustic court attached to the palace. The historical section shows the archival documents of the Zapata family, some in the original, others, the oldest and most important part, digitized thanks to the availability of the heirs. The family history is reconstructed starting from 1541, the year in which Azor bought the fief, continuing with the documents relating to positions, salaries, privileges, etc. Then we move on to the representation of the daily life of the feudal lords, at the time of the redemption of the fief (1839), to conclude with family memories relating mainly to the last barons, Lorenzo and Concettina.
The ethnographic section re-proposes the objects of peasant culture used until not long ago (and in some cases still today): plows, hoes, yokes, axes, planers, baskets, sieves, vats, barrels, etc. with the aim of safeguarding an identity heritage threatened by the rhythms of modernity. There is also a precious collection of “launeddas”: ancient three-pipe musical instruments, typical of southern Sardinia, enrolled in the Mediterranean family of polycalamian aerophones, whose ancestors were Egyptian and Sumerian clarinets. Cases and panels illustrate the various components of the instrument, the construction and assembly techniques, as well as the finished products with the variety of musical tones.

Why is it important to visit it
An elegant seventeenth-century building reveals unexpected impressive Nuragic walls, archival papers tell of an ancient Aragonese family and its fief, objects of everyday life become popular memory. It is the story of a corner of Sardinia, made illustrious by the most famous of the nuraghi, the “Su Nuraxi”, declared a World Heritage Site.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Archaeology

Usability: Open

Province: Sud Sardegna

Common: Barumini

Macro Territorial Area: South Sardinia


Address: Piazza Giovanni XXIII, 6

Telephone: +39 070 9368476






November - February

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

March -

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

10:00 AM - 5:30 PM

April - September

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

10:00 AM - 7:30 PM

May, June, August -

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

July -

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

10:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Special openings: The structure can organize temporary exhibitions and events with different access methods both in terms of times and ticket prices.

Information on tickets and access: The ticket includes a guided tour of the Casa Zapata Museum Complex, Su Nuraxi and Centro Giovanni Lilliu.

Access mode: For a fee

Tickets :

  • Cumulative integer : 15 €, adults over 18 years old, .

  • Reduced cumulative : 12 €, children aged 13 to 17, schools, groups of at least 20 people and Tour Operators by purchasing 100 tickets in advance, .

  • Reduced cumulative : 9 €, children from 7 to 12 years old, .

  • Freeware : 0 €, Minors up to 6 years old, .

Services information: Route for the blind and visually impaired with tactile maps. Guided tours start every half hour and at no additional cost.

Other services: WiFi.


19/4/2024 - 13:54


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