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Spazio Ilisso - UNICA: six stories of Italian artists

Spazio Ilisso - UNICA: six stories of Italian artists

Spazio Ilisso - UNICA: six stories of Italian artists

Saturday, May 4, at 11:00am, at SPAZIO ILISSO, in Nuoro, there will be the inauguration of the exhibition “Unica. Six stories of Italian artists” curated by Maria Grazia Messina, Anna Maria Montaldo, Giorgia Gastaldon. The exhibition offers an in-depth look at the Italian cultural history of the twentieth century, focusing on the feminine condition and on the artistic experience of women. Over 70 works, some of which are unpublished, represent the work of six extraordinary artists: Carla Accardi, Carla Badiali, Carol Rama, Giosetta Fioroni, Tomaso Binga (Bianca Pucciarelli Menna) and Maria Lai.

The title 'Unique' refers to the fact that these artists often found themselves working in solitude within male contexts or within a system that did not fully recognize their value. “The only” woman in a group of men: this is how they mostly appear in vintage photos.

The exhibition aims to highlight not only the artistic work of the six protagonists, but also the challenges and battles they faced in the context of twentieth-century Italian art. The period explored includes a time frame that goes from the pre-war period to the Eighties, during which the Italian cultural landscape opened up to postmodernity, bringing with it a growing awareness together with the practices of feminism. Looking at the female condition of those years involves an investigation into the loneliness of women in the art world, on the political commitment that accompanied their research, on the difficulty to emerge or simply to be visible in a male universe; it means, finally, to approach their work with a more attentive and sensitive eye.







Hours: 10-13/16-20 from Tuesday afternoon to Sunday (closed on Monday and Tuesday morning)

Show card:

For each of the six artists, a specific period of their production consistent with these issues was privileged, so that they could have a renewed look at the quality of their works, experimenting, at the same time, with a history of art told by female protagonists and a history of Italy as a path of female emancipation and liberation. The exhibition process includes rooms dedicated to each of the six protagonists. In addition to works from museums, public bodies, archives or private collectors from all over Italy, each section is enriched with original documentary material and insights into the life and work of female artists. Finally, some historical films complete the visit experience. The exhibition catalog (in double Italian and English editions) makes use of the precious contributions of three Italian art historians and curators who have been involved in dissemination and exhibitions in public and private institutions for years: Maria Grazia Messina, Anna Maria Montaldo and Giorgia Gastaldon.

Structure contacts:

Spazio Ilisso - Via Brofferio, 23 - 08100 Nuoro (NU)
Sito web:
Tel, +39 0784 31551


3/5/2024 - 12:48

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