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Polaghe, Galleria Spano

Polaghe, Galleria Spano

Polaghe, Galleria Spano

It is located in the Oratorio del Rosario, an eighteenth-century Dominican building, and houses 31 pieces of Giovanni Spano's Picture Gallery (1803-1878). The paintings were collected by the scholar during countless trips to the churches and convents of Sardinia, but also purchased, or received as a gift from authoritative people of the time and donated to the church of San Pietro in 1873: “I recommend to the mayor pro tempore to keep the paintings that I gave in 1875 to the Town Hall. But more than that, I recommend that you make sure that the parish priest of Ploaghe takes care of and keeps all clean the paintings that I gave to the Parish since 1873 and that are hanging in the aisle of the church and inside the sacristy. Otherwise, the Town Hall takes possession of them, sells them and everything that will be obtained from them is used in public works (document from the Register of Resolutions of the Council of 1878”, preserved in the Municipal Historical Archive, and in accordance with the holographic will of Giovanni Spano, received by the notary Sebastiano Casti of Cagliari).
This exhibition includes the most prestigious paintings in the collection (another 29 works are kept in the Rectoral House): “Holy Family”, by the Master of Ozieri, from the church of San Pietro di Ploaghe; the works of the Spano Donation (S. Domenico, 1340-1350, attributed to Francesco Neri of Volterra; “Madonna with Child and Saints”, 15th century, attributed to Domenico di Michelino; “Stigmata of Saint Francis”, attributed to Pietro Cavaro; “Madonna and Child”, 16th century, attributed to Pietro Cavaro; “Madonna and Child”, 16th century, attributed to Pietro Cavaro; “Madonna and Child”, 16th century, given to Paul Coecke, and donated to Spano by the Cibrario;” Adoration of the Magi”, 16th century, attributed to a painter of Greek culture; “SS Girolamo and Domenico and Trinity”, 15th century, attributed to Francesco Pinna; “S. Domenico”, 18th century, purchased by Archbishop Marongio; “Portrait of a Gentleman”, 19th century, by an unknown author; “Deposition”, 17th century, by an unknown author; “Coronation of the Virgin”, attributed to Giacomo Altomonte); “Magdalene”, 17th century, by an unknown author author; “Portrait of Clement XIV”, 18th century, by an unknown author.
There are also the paintings from the first nucleus of the Pinacoteca di Ploaghe, purchased in Cagliari in 1784 by Rector Demurtas to display them in the room of the Rectoral Palace (“Saint Catherine of Alexandria”, “Immaculate”, “Saint Barbara” and “Saint Agnes”, attributed to the Master of the Chapter; “Christ at the Column”, “Ecce Homo”, “Virgin Assumption” and “Saint Jerome” by unknown authors). The origin of other paintings is unknown (“Saint Sebastian cared for by angels”, 17th century, by unknown author; “Saint Bernard of Affida”, 19th century, by unknown author; “Madonna of Mercy”, 17th century, attributed to Baccio Gorini; “Portrait of Giovanni Spano”, 19th century, attributed to Emilio Scherer). The exhibition is currently located in a single room that, among other things, contains the fabulous original furnishings of the Oratory of the Rosary. However, it is the will of the municipal administration to house the entire Spano collection in the oratory of the Rosary using the sacristy and the grandstand. The itinerary begins with the “Portrait of Giovanni Spano” by Emilio Schrer, and ends with the “Trinity” by Francesco Pinna. There are no architectural barriers.

Why is it important to visit it
The works that the illustrious Ploaghe scholar Giovanni Spano bequeathed to the Parish of Saint Peter must be included in the vast initiative aimed at protecting the artistic heritage of the Sardinian land, so dear to Spano; everything takes shape with the drafting of a descriptive catalog of the paintings preserved in the private art gallery of Ploaghe.

Structure category: museum, gallery and/or collection

Content type: Arts

Usability: Open

Province: Sassari

Common: Ploaghe

Macro Territorial Area: Northern Sardinia


Address: piazza S. Pietro, s.n.c.

Telephone: +39 349 3672110 +39 079 4479911



Information on tickets and access: The Spano picture gallery can only be used with the accompaniment of the art gallery's referent-curator: Dr. Rosa Anna Cadau, by telephone reservation at +39 349 3672110.

Access mode: Free


29/5/2024 - 19:34


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