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Autore Principale: Beethoven, Ludwig : van
An die Ferne Geliebte : a cycle of six songs
Musica notata
An die Ferne Geliebte : a cycle of six songs

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Symphonie nr. 9 d-moll op. 125
Musica notata
Symphonie nr. 9 d-moll op. 125

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Fantasie fur Klavier, Chor und Orchester c-moll : op 80
Musica notata
Fantasie fur Klavier, Chor und Orchester c-moll : op 80

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Melodie scelte per canto e pianoforte
Musica notata
Melodie scelte per canto e pianoforte

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Songs complete
Musica notata
Songs complete

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Fidelio (Leonore) : an opera in two acts op. 72
Musica notata
Fidelio (Leonore) : an opera in two acts op. 72

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

Christ on the mount of olives : an oratorium op. 85
Musica notata
Christ on the mount of olives : an oratorium op. 85

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

The ruins of Athens op. 113
Musica notata
The ruins of Athens op. 113

Beethoven, Ludwig : van

4 dramatic works for orchestra
Musica notata
4 dramatic works for orchestra

Beethoven, Ludwig : van