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Categoria: !Testo
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Categoria: !Audio
Categoria: !Immagine
Natura: Monografia
Nomi: Händel, Georg Friedrich
Messiah : in full score
Musica notata
Messiah : in full score

Händel, Georg Friedrich

The Messiah : Oratorio
Musica notata
The Messiah : Oratorio

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Il Messia
Musica notata
Il Messia

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Acis and Galatea : pastoral
Musica notata
Acis and Galatea : pastoral

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Samson : an oratorio with German and English text
Musica notata
Samson : an oratorio with German and English text

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Handel's oratorio "Judas Maccabaeus"
Musica notata
Handel's oratorio "Judas Maccabaeus"

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Israel in Egypt : sacred oratorio
Musica notata
Israel in Egypt : sacred oratorio

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Ode on St. Cecilia's day
Musica notata
Ode on St. Cecilia's day

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Alexander's feast
Musica notata
Alexander's feast

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Anthem 9 : O praise the Lord with one consent
Musica notata
Anthem 9 : O praise the Lord with one consent

Händel, Georg Friedrich